The hong kong observatory s study also reveals that the inter - annual change in the sea level in victoria harbour was particularly prominent in the past 15 years , with steep rise of the annual mean sea level from 1987 to 1999 and rapid fall after that . this period coincides with the most rapid rise in the global average temperatures since instrumental measurement of air temperatures began in the 1860s 天文臺的研究亦發現,維多利亞港海平面的年際變化在最近十多年最為顯著,年平均海平面在一九八七年至一九九九年急速上升,之后則急速下降,這正巧是人類自一八六年代開始以儀器測量氣溫以來全球平均溫度上升得最快的時候。
Through the above researches , such conclusions were drawn that in the course of fitting the semivariogram of the yearly annual mean rice water sensitivity index in yunnan , the fitting precision of ordinary kriging spherecial model is better than others ; range at the direction of 80 . 5 degree is outstanding than others ; as for the precision of interpolation , ordinary kriging spherecial model is higher than others 研究表明:云南水稻多年平均水分敏感指標變異函數以普通克里金球狀模型擬合最優、 80 . 5度方向變程最大、插值模型以普通克里金球狀模型插值精度較高。
The annual mean temperature of 23 . 5 degrees was 0 . 5 degree higher than normal . with the northeast monsoon weaker than normal over china , the monthly mean temperatures of october 2006 26 . 4 degrees equaled the record of october set in 1983 , while that of november 2006 23 . 3 degrees broke the record of november 23 . 2 degrees set in 1998 由于影響中國的東北季候風較正常弱,二零零六年十月的月平均氣溫26 . 4度平了1983年所創的十月最高紀錄,而二零零六年十一月的月平均氣溫23 . 3度則破了十一月的最高紀錄1998年所創的23 . 2度。
The rise in temperatures during daytime was reduced but this is more or less offset by the heat generated from air conditioning and other urban activities . the net result is little change in the daily maximum temperature . overall , the annual mean temperature rises but at a slower rate than the annual mean minimum temperature 綜合最高和最低氣溫的變化,日平均溫度有上升的趨勢,但速度較日最低氣溫慢。楊繼興說:換句話說,日間酷熱的情?并未有惡化,但寒冷的夜晚卻少了。