Legally, each of these directors is bound to act in the best interests of each corporation on whose board he or she sits . 按理說,每一位董事必然要按照其任職的公司的最高利益行事。
Any mistake she and her cabinet made which they would be bound to do from time to time, would have had them baying for blood . 她以及她的內閣成員在工作中不可能不犯錯誤,而一旦出現錯誤,他們就會遭到群起而攻之。
Pending the establishment of an international regime, states and persons were bound to refrain from all activities of exploitation of the resources of the area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction . 在國際制度尚未建立以前,所有國家及個人均不得對各國管轄范圍以外區域的資源進行任何開發活動。
He is bound to go , and nothing can stop him 他決定要走,任何事都阻止不了他。
Occurs when a data row is bound to data in the 控件中將數據行綁定到數據時發生。
When the pacific will be bound to the atlantic 太平洋與大西洋由鐵路連通的那一天
Web server control must be bound to a data source Web服務器控件綁定到數據源。
Control can be bound to a data source control such as 控件可綁定到數據源控件(如
Occurs when the control is bound to a data value 在該控件綁定到數據值時發生。
As it could be bound to a non - soap binding ,因為它也可綁定到一個非soap綁定。