A principal officer of the correctional services department was sentenced to four months imprisonment , suspended for 12 months , for accepting an unauthorised 200 , 000 loan from the mother of an inmate at a prison 一名懲教署高級懲教主任,未經授權向一名囚犯的母親收取二十萬元貸款,被判入獄四個月,緩刑一年。
The defendant falsely represented that his friend knew several officers of the correctional services department , who could treat the prisoner better and obtain a favourable report for him , inducing his girlfriend to pay 35 , 000 被告較早時向事主訛稱,其友人認識多名懲教署人員,可替其男友取得較佳待遇及有利報告。
The deceased , wu kam - yuen , was under custody of the correctional services department in siu lam psychiatric centre . he was later admitted to tuen mun hospital and certified dead at about 10 . 50 am on june 14 死者胡錦源在懲教署小欖懲教所服刑,其后被送往屯門醫院留醫,并于六月十四日約上午十時五十分被證實死亡。
In his initial lawsuit filed against the public works and correctional services department , augustino banze said that " steam and hot water arose from the toilet , causing me severe burns " during refurbishment work 在其一開始針對公共工程與懲教部提出的訴訟中,班茲說,在裝修期間,蒸氣與熱水從馬桶冒出來,造成我嚴重燙傷。
An ex - inmate , who was under the supervision of an aftercare officer of the correctional services department , falsely alleged that the officer had solicited money from him for giving him a better supervision report 曾經有一名仍受懲教署善后輔導主任監管的釋囚,蓄意向廉署誣告該名主任向他索取金錢,以作為他撰寫良好行為報告的報酬。
A technical instructor of the correctional services department was sentenced to three months imprisonment , suspended for 18 months , for conveying eight packets of cigarettes and four lighters to prisoners in a correctional institution 一名懲教署工藝導師,替囚犯攜帶八包香煙及四個打火機進入懲教所,被判入獄三個月,緩刑十八個月。
A prisoner was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment for offering 50 , 000 to an officer of the correctional services department for introducing 150 , 000 cash and 200 packets of cigarettes into a correctional institution 一名囚犯,向一名懲教署職員提供五萬元賄款,作為對方攜帶十五萬元現金及二百包香煙進入懲教所的報酬,被判入獄十個月。
A prisoner was sentenced to 10 months ? imprisonment for offering 50 , 000 to an officer of the correctional services department for introducing 150 , 000 cash and 200 packets of cigarettes into a correctional institution 一名囚犯,向一名懲教署職員提供五萬元賄款,作為對方攜帶十五萬元現金及二百包香煙進入懲教所的報酬,被判入獄十個月。
An ex - inmate , who was under the supervision of an aftercare officer of the correctional services department , falsely alleged that the officer had solicited money from him for giving him a better supervision report 曾經有一名仍受懲教署善后輔導主任監管的釋囚,蓄意向廉署誣告該名主任向他索取金錢,以作為他撰寫良好行為報告的報酬。
An assistant officer ii of the correctional services department was charged with allegedly soliciting 5 , 000 in bribes from a prisoner for providing a mobile phone and accepting a 20 , 000 unauthorised 一名懲教署二級懲教助理涉嫌向一名囚犯索取五千元賄款,作為向他提供一個流動電話的報酬以及在未得準許下接受二萬元貸款,被廉署落案起訴。