That is what happened in wales in 1966 , when a huge pile of coal waste tumbled down on the village of aberfan , crashing into an elementary school and killing 116 schoolchildren 1966年威爾士就曾發生過這樣的事故,當時巨大的礦渣場在坍塌后沖向阿伯凡( aberfan )村中的一個小學,造成116名學生死亡。
Rescue workers held little hope saturday of finding more survivors from a devastating landslide that sent a wall of mud and boulders tumbling down the mountain at a terrifying speed 在周六,搜救人員對于尋找更多幸存者感到希望渺茫,因為此次的泥石流帶有巨大的破壞性, ? ?滿山的泥漿和巨石以令人恐怖的速度瞬間奔襲而來。
Rescue workers held little hope saturday of finding more survivors from a devastating landslide that sent a wall of mud and boulders tumbling down the mountain at a terrifying speed 周六,搜救人員對于從如此具有破壞性的滑坡事故中尋找更多的幸存者感到希望渺茫,因為此次的滑坡事故使泥墻和巨石從山上以令人恐怖的速度滾落下來。
Day as the israelites walked around jericho seven times , joshua gave the command and everyone shouted at the top of their lungs and the walls came tumbling down . i cant tell you how badly i want to shout right now 在第七天,當以色列人環繞耶利哥城七遍,七天以來他們都保持靜默,一言不發但到了第七天,他們不僅是繞城一遍,而是繞城七遍。
This second arrow struck higher , squarely in the front of the steel , which , as robin knew , it could not pierce , but the force of it was so great that guy of gisborne tumbled down into the snow and lay half stunned with the shock 第二支箭中較高的地方,不偏不倚地射入盔甲的前部,羅賓知道沒有穿透,但是力量大得足使蓋吉斯朋翻落雪地,嚇得半死。
God gives him instructions , saying , " you will take 7 priests and they will blow seven ram horns as they walk around the city and they will do that every day for 7 days and at the end of 7 days everybody will shout and the walls will come tumbling down . 神給了他指引, ?說:你要帶七名祭司,他們要一面繞著城行走,一面吹號,七天如是。到了第七天,所有人一同呼喊,城墻就會倒塌。
I did not see any future ahead , i felt i did not even have any dream left to dream , and i realized that i must find something more stable than unreliable human relationships and castles in the air that were bound to tumble down with any strong gust of wind 我看不到任何未來,也沒有任何夢想。但是我知道,我必須找到一些比變化無常的人世和空中樓閣更穩固的東西,才不會被強風一吹就倒。
Tess soon perceived as she walked in the flock , sometimes with this one , sometimes with that , that the fresh night air was producing staggerings and serpentine courses among the men who had partaken too freely ; some of the more careless women also were wandering in their gait to wit , a dark virago , car darch , dubbed queen of spades , till lately a favourite of d urberville s ; nancy , her sister , nicknamed the queen of diamonds ; and the young married woman who had already tumbled down 苔絲在人群里一起走著,有時候同這個人一起走,有時候同另一個人一起走,不久她就發現,那些喝酒沒有節制的男人,叫晚上的清風一吹,都有些步履蹣跚搖搖晃晃的了有一些行為不檢點的女人們,也是步伐不穩跌跌撞撞的一個是皮膚黝黑的悍婦卡爾達,外號叫“黑桃皇后” ,直到最近她還是德貝維爾寵愛的人,另一個是卡爾的妹妹南茜,外號叫“方塊皇后” ,還有那個今天被絆倒了的剛結婚的年輕女人。
Was planning to leave for florida on september 22 to celebrate the mid - autumn festival with master . unexpectedly , in the early morning of september 21 , my world turned upside down when i found myself in the area most devastated by the formosan earthquake - the yuchi mountain region . amid pitch darkness and absolute silence , i could hear rocks tumbling down the hills and trees falling in landslides every now and then 訂9月22日搭機前往佛州與師父歡度中秋佳節,怎奈9月21日凌晨,頓時天搖地動天地變色,身處全省最嚴重的災區之一魚池山區,一片漆黑中,萬籟俱寂,偶爾傳來后山落石,前山山崩樹倒的聲響,當下的心情是無助與無奈,誰也料不到災難是這般迅雷不及掩耳的降臨,還來不及去見師父呢!
Uthwaite down in the valley , with all the steel threads of the railways to sheffield drawn through it , and the coal - mines and the steel - works sending up smoke and glare from long tubes , and the pathetic little corkscrew spire of the church , that is going to tumble down , still pricking the fumes , always affected connie strangely . it was an old market - town , centre of the dales 阿斯魏是在那山谷的下面,到雪非爾德的所有的鐵道線都打這兒穿過,那些長煙囪里冒著煙和閃光的煤礦場和鋼鐵廠,那教堂上的螺鉆似的凄慘的小鐘樓,雖然就要倒塌了,但是依舊還矗立在煙霧中,這樣的阿斯魏,常常總使康妮覺得奇怪地感動。