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shutter release中文

用"shutter release"造句"shutter release" in a sentence"shutter release"怎麼讀


  • 快門按鈕
  • 快門開關
  • 快門線


  • Squeeze the shutter release , don ' t stab at it
  • When i install the film and press the shutter release , nothing happens , i think it ' s broken
  • We bipods become tripods when we lean against a wall and using the automatic shutter release makes it even steadier
  • Other accessories include tripod , shutter release cable , adaptor ring , equatorial mounting , guiding telescope and cross - hair eyepiece
  • What s more , once the afae measurements are complete , shutter release time lag is a virtually imperceptible 0 . 03 seconds . another boost to overall speed is a lens retraction time of just 0 . 6 seconds
  • Press the shutter release once to shoot - off a sequence of shots . the images are shown as thumbnails in a single frame . 15mb of built - in memory allow you to continue shooting even after your memory card is full
  • In addition to rapid af , the dimage z5 has fast startup , short shutter release time lag , ultra - high - speed continuous advance , progressive capture , and real motion monitor for smooth display on the lcd
    此外, dimagez5更為您準備拍攝出色影像所需的一切必備條件: 500萬像素ccd 、高效能gtapo鏡頭、 konicaminolta專利的cxprocess
  • Fix a camera onto a sturdy tripod , load it with a high speed film , set the focus to infinity , set the shutter to " b " , aim at the target area and press the shutter by the shutter release cable
用"shutter release"造句  
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