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tell off中文

用"tell off"造句"tell off" in a sentence"tell off"怎麼讀"tell off"的同義詞


  • 分派出, 責備
  • 計算;分派;責備
  • "tell" 中文翻譯 :    vt. (told ) 1.講;說。 2.告訴,吩咐,命 ...
  • "off" 中文翻譯 :    adv. 1.〔運動〕向那邊,隔開。 be off 走, ...
  • "tell sb off" 中文翻譯 :    數落, 責罵, 斥責, 責備, 向...透露消息
  • "tell somebody off" 中文翻譯 :    責備或批評某人
  • "tell someone off" 中文翻譯 :    責罵
  • "come off it tell me the truth" 中文翻譯 :    別胡扯了
  • "tell him to shut off the motor" 中文翻譯 :    告訴他把發動機關掉
  • "tell sb where to get off" 中文翻譯 :    嚴厲斥責某人
  • "tell sb off for being so rude" 中文翻譯 :    責備某人太粗暴
  • "tell" 中文翻譯 :    n. 【考古】(層層覆蓋古代遺址的)人工丘阜。 vt. (told ) 1.講;說。 2.告訴,吩咐,命令(某人做某事) (to do sth.); 指示 (where; that; how; what)。 3.泄漏(秘密等),明白說出,吐露。 4.斷定說,保證。 5.辨別,區別 (from); 決定;知道,明白,了解。 6.點數。 I'm telling you. 〔美俚〕注意聽我說(這是很重要的)。 T- (sb.) good-bye. 〔美國〕道別。 Let me tell the good news to everybody. 讓我把好消息告訴大家。 The old peasant told us of (about) his sufferings. 老農民給我們講述他所受的苦。 I told him to go on. 我吩咐他繼續說下去。 T- us how you fixed up the machine. 告訴我們你是怎樣修好這架機器的。 His face told (that) he was satisfied with the speech. 他臉上顯示出他對演講感到滿意。 It is very important that one should be able to tell the true friends from the false ones. 能辨別真假朋友是非常重要的。 I can tell you that it's not easy. 我敢斷定地告訴你這事不易。 Let's tell the noses and call it a day. 咱們計算一下人數收工吧。 I can tell you. =I tell you. =Let me tell you. 的確,真的。 No, I tell you. 真的不可以。 I'll tell you what. 講給你聽,告訴給你,有話跟你講。 Never tell me =Don't tell me. 不至于吧;不見得吧;我不信〔表示驚訝,不快或恐懼等〕。 You're telling me! 〔美俚〕這事不用你說,我全知道了。 vi. 1.講,報告 (about; of); 〔口語〕搬弄是非,說壞話;〔兒語〕告發;〔英方〕嚼舌頭 (on; of)。 2.奏效,產生效果;影響;命中,打中,擊中。 3.證明;(顏色、聲音等)顯明,表明。 4.〔古語〕計數;數票,檢票。 I told you so! =Did I not tell you so 我不是跟你講過了嗎? The story tells of the life of a famous poet. 這故事講的是一個著名詩人的生平。 Tom is the man that tells on sb. whenever there's sth. wrong. 湯姆是個一出毛病就告發別人的家伙。 Smoking will tell on you when you're getting old. 你上年紀時就會感受到吸煙的影響了。 How can I tell 我怎么說得上來呢? Who (can) tell 誰知道? 誰也不知道。 You can never tell. 誰也不知道。 It is the man behind the gun that tells. 重要的不是槍而是開槍的人,勝敗在人不在武器。 Every shot told. 百發百中。 The colour of the ink tells of the fraud. 墨水的顏色說明是作弊。 do tell 不見得吧,不至于吧。 tell a tale 講故事;泄露內中原因。 tell against the motion 宣布提案(因只有少數票)不能成立。 tell all 〔美俚〕自白,說出秘密,說出真話。 tell apart 辨別,識別(tell things apart 辨明情況)。 tell away 念咒文驅除(病痛等)。 tell down 〔口語〕付(錢)。 tell it to sweeney [the marines] 〔美國〕沒有那樣的事。 tell noses 〔口語〕點人數。 tell off 數清;分派(工作);【罕】編號;譴責。 tell on [upon] 告密,告發;對…有效,影響到。 tell one's prayers 祈禱。 tell out 1. 數錢付賬。 2.=tell away. tell over one's hoard 數積蓄的錢。 tell the tale 〔俚語〕編造假話;講述可憐的遭遇博取同情。 tell the world 〔美國〕公開講,揚言。 tell (so many) years 〔口語〕顯出有(幾)歲了〔一般指顯老〕。 n. 〔方言〕話,傳聞。 I've a tell for you. 我有一句話要跟你說。 according to their tell 〔美卑〕據說。
  • "tell by" 中文翻譯 :    根據…判斷
  • "tell of" 中文翻譯 :    講述
  • "to tell" 中文翻譯 :    訴說
  • "to tell or not to tell" 中文翻譯 :    吐露實情?
  • "a-tell fibre" 中文翻譯 :    榮輝纖維
  • "al tell" 中文翻譯 :    泰勒
  • "blood will tell" 中文翻譯 :    海棠紅
  • "do tell!" 中文翻譯 :    不以能; 真有此事
  • "fever to tell" 中文翻譯 :    口無遮攔
  • "hard to tell" 中文翻譯 :    難以決定
  • "how to tell" 中文翻譯 :    如何知道
  • "kiss and tell" 中文翻譯 :    親吻與訴說
  • "kiss-and-tell" 中文翻譯 :    詳細描述個人隱私的。
  • "misfortunes tell" 中文翻譯 :    不經災禍不知福


  • Six men were told off to collect fuel .
  • We had one of the wounded men told off to keep a watch upon the seas and cry as warning .
  • Only two of them were told off to do the job
  • Mr black got angry and told off the boss
  • They were told off to clean the latrines
  • Mr . black got angry and told off the boss
  • Ten soldiers were told off to dig ditches
  • To be truthful we got a bit of telling off from the gaffer at half time
    他說“ (凱文)戴維斯在前方制造著麻煩,說實話我們半場休息時都沒譜了。
  • When bill was told off for not wearing a tie , he let off steam by telling his boss what he thought of her
  • There were , however , three rules guests had to follow : do not get drunk ; do not swear or tell off - color jokes ; sleep in separate bedrooms if an unmarried couple
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"tell off"造句  


  • reprimand; "She told the misbehaving student off"
    同義詞:brush down,


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