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time exposure中文

用"time exposure"造句"time exposure" in a sentence"time exposure"怎麼讀"time exposure"的同義詞


  • 【攝影】時間曝光〔半秒鐘以上〕;時間曝光相片。


  • Time exposures produce a fuzzy boundary .
  • - that ' s big - time exposure . - here ' s the hook
  • That ' s big - time exposure . - here ' s the hook
  • Time exposure ( bulb ) up to 5 hours ( approx . , with fresh batteries )
    長達5小時的長時間曝光( bulb ) (使用新電池的大約時間)
  • In addition , time exposure and reading strategies are positive correlated , but not so obvious
  • The time exposure blurred the people in the center , creating “ an image of cosmic motion , ” said abercrombie
    這幅照片因為曝光時間較長,模糊了中間的人影,創造出“一種天旋地轉的景象。 ”
  • You may capture the image of perseids with camera . basic equipment includes camera with long time exposure function bulb shutter and fast film
    如要進行天文攝影,需配備具有" b "快門可作長時間曝光的相機和高速菲林。
  • You may capture the image of draconids with camera . basic equipment includes camera with long time exposure function bulb shutter and fast film
    如要進行天文攝影,需配備具有" b "快門可作長時間曝光的相機和高速菲林。
  • You may capture the image of quadrantids with camera . basic equipment includes camera with long time exposure function bulb shutter and fast film
    如要進行天文攝影,需配備具有" b "快門可作長時間曝光的相機和高速菲林。
  • Reflecting sunlight , the fuel dump plume begins on the west ( right ) side of the star field and expands as it slowly drifts eastward and fades during the time exposure , creating the wedge - shaped streak
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"time exposure"造句  


  • exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)

  • a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time

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