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transient errors中文

用"transient errors"造句"transient errors" in a sentence"transient errors"怎麼讀


  • 瞬時錯誤
  • 瞬問誤差


  • Somewhere down in the depths of the code , a transient error occurs
  • 2 castillo x , mcconnel s r , siewiorek d p . derivation and calibration of a transient error reliability model . ieee trans
  • Sources of transient errors include an i o error for example , a cable was disconnected or a page that temporarily fails a repeated checksum test
    表中。暫時性錯誤的來源包含i / o錯誤(例如電纜斷開連接)或暫時未通過重復校驗和測試的頁。
  • However , be aware that writing correct multithreaded applications can be difficult : your application may stop responding or experience transient errors due to race conditions
  • Cers allow code to treat errors in a very deterministic manner , maintaining internal invariants that are important to the application and allowing it to continue running in the face of transient errors such as out - of - memory exceptions
  • One - cycle control method is a nonlinear control method . by controlling the switch duty - ratio , it can make the average value of a switched variable equal to or proportional to the control reference in each cycle , so the stationary and transient errors are eliminated
用"transient errors"造句  
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