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vector addition中文

用"vector addition"造句"vector addition" in a sentence"vector addition"怎麼讀


  • 矢量加法,向量加法
  • 向量和
  • 向量加法


  • It should be clear that vector addition is commutative .
  • Performs vector addition on the two specified
  • This tests your knowledge of the principles of vector addition and the summation of forces around a point
  • The coordinate transformation rules , the combination characteristic of the transfer function are discussed . the solution procedure of series mechanical system is deduced by applying dual - vector addition and matrix multiplication . and the mathematical models are obtained
  • As a result , the concept of state space for conceptual design of mechanical system is presented , which is new to the literature , based on the set of all state vectors . meanwhile , the properties of state vectors , which are vectors addition , constant multiplying , reversible driving , zero vectors , are discussed in state space . secondly , the dual - vector is introduced to descript the essential relation among the input and output characteristic vectors as well as sms
  • The exact location of reflection and diffraction points is essential in order to calculate the polarization components of the reflected and diffracted fields and their trajectories . then , a vector addition of the received fields is carried out to obtain the total received field strength and , subsequently , the path loss along a predetermined route
用"vector addition"造句  
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