- 1023 ad In 1023 AD the Chola army of Rajendra Chola, proceeded through the course of Tel river from Vengi to reach Yayatinagar near Sonepur.
- 1023 ce Alternatively, the inscription can be dated to 1023 CE ( assuming Karttikadi year ). Based on the epigraphic evidence, the construction of the temple can be dated to 1020-1025 CE . It was ......
- 1023年 :興建于宋代天圣元年(1023年)。 1023年(圣宗太平三年)封秦國王。 北宋天圣元年(1023年)改名寶嚴寺。 ,賜名趙禎,1023年即帝位,時年13歲。 仁宗天圣元年(1023年)監西溪鹽倉。 為北宋天圣元年(1023年)至四年建。 北宋第四代皇帝(1023年?1063年在位)。 (公元916?1023年)字平仲,渭南市人。 圣宗太平三年(1023年)封燕王。 興建于......
- deaths in 1023 After his death in 1023, miracles were said to have occurred at his tomb, but attempts to have him declared a saint never bore fruit. Llywelyn ap Seisyll married Anghared, daughter of Mere......
- form 1023 Form 1023 gives the lowdown on what is considered legit. Organizations that do not fall under these requirements may still file the original Form 1023. Furthermore, in 2016, the applicatio......
- ngc 1023 The "'NGC 1023 group "'is a group of galaxies about Canes Venatici Cloud in the Virgo Supercluster. The galaxy is a member of the NGC 1023 Group, a nearby, tidal interaction, or a cloud of......
- ngc 1023 group The "'NGC 1023 group "'is a group of galaxies about Canes Venatici Cloud in the Virgo Supercluster. The galaxy is a member of the NGC 1023 Group, a nearby, tidal interaction, or a cloud of......
- stavropolskaya aktsionernaya avia flight 1023 "' Stavropolskaya Aktsionernaya Avia Flight 1023 "'was a charter flight between Stavropol in southern Russia and Trabzon in Turkey operated by the Russian airline Stavropolskaya Aktsionern......
- united nations security council resolution 1023 "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1023 "', adopted unanimously on 22 November 1995, after recalling all local Serb representatives. The agreement was acknowledged by the United......
- year 1023 They were there able to dethrone Sulaiman and held onto power until the year 1023. The world's first paper currency'Jiao Zi'was seen in Chengdu in the year 1023, during the Song dynasty. B......
- 前1023年 ”周公統一了內部意見之后,第二年(前1023年)舉行東征,討伐管、蔡、武庚。 事監視商朝遺民,故謂三監)周公旦在千鈞一發之際,于西元前1023年舉兵東征,平定叛亂。