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1066 granada massacre造句

1066 granada massacreの例文  
  • 1066 ad    These coins determined an estimated date of 1066 AD for the hoard. The Norman de Long and le Lung arrived in the 11th century with the Anglo-Norman conquest in 1066 AD and established in n......
  • 1066 and all that    The title is an homage to 1066 and All That. Its title is a play on " 1066 and All That ", the historical satire by Sellar and Yeatman. He wrote " 1066 And All That " ( a musical based on ......
  • 1066 bc    Eurysthenes would have ruled in 1104 1066 BC, with an unknown margin of error, as much of the data is relatively uncertain. Eight petroglyphs, which dated to the Shang Dynasty ( c . 1600 ......
  • 1066 ce    The earliest form of English is called Old English or Anglo-Saxon ( c . 550 1066 CE ). There is hardly any difference between the last known date of Yashovarman's father Madanavarman ( 10......
  • 1066 country    Several long distance paths cross the AONB : High Weald Landscape Trail, Weald Way, 1066 Country Walk, Saxon Shore Way, Vanguard Way and Sussex Border Path. An example is the Kent and 1066......
  • 1066 country walk    Several long distance paths cross the AONB : High Weald Landscape Trail, Weald Way, 1066 Country Walk, Saxon Shore Way, Vanguard Way and Sussex Border Path.
  • 1066 in england    Holders of bishoprics founded between 597 and 1066 in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
  • 1066 norman conquest of england    This made the mount definitively part of Normandy, and is depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry, which commemorates the 1066 Norman conquest of England. Rosemary Sutcliff's YA novel " " Shield R......
  • 1066年    宋治平三年(1066年)分建安縣置。 1066年,蘇格蘭被法國人征服。 約公元前1066年2月底,商亡周立。 1066年,諾曼人入侵不列顛群島。 1066年已為英國最大的城市之一。 六年(1066年),封永壽公主。 于是1066年,威廉在此登上了英國王位。 《憎蒼蠅賦》撰于治平三年(1066年)。 1066年是英國小學生都記得的一個年份。 ,北宋文學家、散文家(1066年去......
  • ad 1066    The subsequent Norman Conquest which followed in AD 1066 wrought immense changes to life in England as their new Scandinavian masters altered their government, lordship, public holdings, c......
  • battle of 1066    For contemporary english people, should the battle of 1066 be considered a victory or a defeat ? talk ) 20 : 06, 27 August 2010 ( UTC)
  • deaths in 1066    Conan's death in 1066 further secured William's borders in Normandy. The lord of the manor was Edward the Confessor at his death in 1066. Edward's failure to produce an heir caused a furio......
  • norman conquest of 1066    Mavesyn Ridware contains two notable buildings : the Norman conquest of 1066. After the Norman Conquest of 1066 there was an explosion of interest in English history. William the Conqueror......
  • united nations security council resolution 1066    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1066 "', adopted unanimously on 15 July 1996, after recalling previous Prevlaka peninsula area of Croatia until 15 January 1997.
  • year 1066    The shuttle observatory also was focused on the remnants of a stellar explosion discovered by Chinese astronomers in the year 1066. She birth name unknown was first seen in Norway in the......
  • 前1066年    約公元前1066年2月底,商亡周立。 由公元前1562年至公元前1066年。 公元前1066年2月底,商朝滅亡,周朝建立。 ”周武王在公元前1066年“釋箕子之囚”。 西周(前1066年?前771年),信宜地屬南海。 貢茶始于公元前1066年。 苑姓來源于商朝(約公元前1562年至公元前1066年)。 公元前1066年,姬昌的兒子姬發(周武王)滅商。 ”苑氏,來源于中國奴隸......
  • al sur de granada    In the film " Al sur de Granada " ( 2003 ), Strachey was portrayed by James Fleet.
  • alhama de granada    Alhama de Granada looks out over some of Spain's most spectacular scenery. The architectural tradition is exemplified by great buildings such as the Mezquita in Toledo, the Aljafer韆 in Zar......
  • alhambra of granada    Many examples can be admired in the Alhambra of Granada. Accordingly he visited Andalus韆 and saw its important buildings like the Alhambra of Granada. Most of the tracks, with the exceptio......
  • altiplano de granada    The "'Altiplano de Granada "'( Granada High Plains ) is a spectrum of landscapes located in the northern part of the Granada province within Andalucia in southern Spain.
  • archaeological museum of granada    His works and his advice were influential during the creation of the Archaeological Museum of Granada. In 1917 the Castril palace was acquired by arabist and orientalist Leopoldo Egu韑az y ......
  • archbishop of granada    As Archbishop of Granada, he was president of the Council of Castile. Charles V offered him the post of Archbishop of Granada but he would not accept it. On December 19, 1907, Casanova was......
  • archbishopric of granada    He may have been brother of Justin Antol韓ez of Burgos, vicar general and vicar official archbishopric of Granada in 1594. He also held the inquisitorial enquiries on the new Archbishopric ......
  • archdiocese of granada    He was appointed auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Granada. The Monastery suffered heavy damage during the Peninsular War and lost considerable property in 1837 as a result of the Arc......

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