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  • 1086 ad    The hamlet of Calcot was listed in Domesday Book ( 1086 AD ), as being in the Hundred of Berkeley. The first temple or shrine was put in place by Petha Patel of Saldi at this site, dating ......
  • 1086 ce    In Kedah, an inscription in Sanskrit dated 1086 CE has been found. Many variants of the spellings, Stanton, Stainton, Stinton or Staunton, are recorded in the " Domesday Book " of 1086 CE,......
  • 1086 in england    The Domesday Book of 1086 in England contained listings of households but its coverage was not complete and its intent was not the same as modern censuses.
  • 1086年    北宋元?元年(1086年)蘇軾年49歲。 公元1086年,復置平鄉縣,屬邢州。 年間(公元1086年~公元1093年)鑄造。 1061年?1086年8月21日,西夏第三代皇帝。 公元1086年,縣恢復,仍隸漢陽縣。 1021~1086年,杰出的政治家和文學家。 第三位皇帝(1067年?1086年在位)。 (1061年~1086年),為毅宗涼祚之長子。 ,歷時四年(公元108......
  • deaths in 1086    He wrote and engaged in scholarship through to his death in 1086.
  • delta air lines flight 1086    The next day, Donnell was aboard Delta Air Lines Flight 1086 when it crashed upon landing. On March 5, 2015, Delta Air Lines Flight 1086 skidded off the runway at LaGuardia Airport and sto......
  • delta airlines flight 1086    Delta Airlines Flight 1086 resting on the seawall following its overrun at La Guardia.
  • events in 1086    He supported his views with additional arguments : All sources are based in the missing " Rocznika kapituBy krakowskiej ", and the next known text of this source refers to events in 1086.......
  • resolution 1086    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1085 "', adopted unanimously on 29 November 1996, after recalling Resolution 1086 ( 1996 ). "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1123......
  • united nations security council resolution 1086    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1086 "', adopted unanimously on 29 November 1996, after recalling all relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on Haiti, the......
  • year 1086    In the year 1086 the church as well as Finborough Hall were recorded in the Domesday Book. Although Zhu began writing his book in 1111 AD, it referred to events concerning various seaports......

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