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  • 1136 ad    Construction of the Jagannatha Temple started in 1136 AD and completed towards the latter part of the 12th century.
  • 1136 bc    In the 1136 BC a settlement named Chengzhou ( ) was constructed by the Duke of Zhou for the remnants of the captured Shang nobility.
  • 1136 ce    The Dhara can be dated to 1135-1136 CE. During the 1135-1136 CE, Jayasimha annexed the Paramara kingdom of Malwa, with support from Asharaja and Arnoraja. Vijayasimha Suri's " Upade [ m......
  • 1136年    1136年宋紹興六年?岳飛軍突擊伊洛。 1136年起,公爵們只管負責防務。 唐慎微(約1056?1136年),字審元。 ’但粘罕死于1136年,此時尚在。 六年(1136年),提舉宿衛親軍。 南宋紹興6年(公元1136年)收復順昌府。 紹興六年(1136年),權提舉宿衛親軍。 這本寫于1136年的著作介紹了英國的起源。 南宋紹興六年(公元1136年)被毀于火災。 天會十四年......
  • bull of 1136    First mention of the village, which at that time was home to a castellan, comes from a papal bull of 1136.
  • deaths in 1136    At Jutta's death in 1136, Hildegard replaced her as abbess. Upon Jutta's death in 1136, Hildegard was unanimously elected as " magistra " of the community by her fellow nuns.
  • kentucky route 1136    "' Kentucky Route 1136 "'is a north-south rural secondary state highway located entirely in Hardin County in north-central Kentucky. It starts at an at-grade intersection with Kentucky Rou......
  • papal bull of 1136    First mention of the village, which at that time was home to a castellan, comes from a papal bull of 1136.
  • united nations security council resolution 1136    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1136 "', adopted unanimously on 6 November 1997, after recalling Resolution 1125 ( 1997 ) regarding the situation in the Central African Repub......
  • year 1136    Gray stated that these battles were fought in the year 1136. It includes long extracts from the bayaz ( notebook ) of Khushal Khan and relates events up to the year 1136 / 1723-24. The boo......
  • 前1136年    公元前1136年左右,周文王把國都從周原遷到了灃邑。 的月食記錄是世界最早的月食記錄,其次是中國公元前1136年的月食記錄。 公元前2283年美索不達米亞的月食記錄是世界最早的月食記錄,其次是中國公元前1136年的月食記錄。

如何1136造句用1136造句1136 in a sentence和1136的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。