- 1197 bc However, Assyria itself was not threatened by foreign powers during the reigns of Ashur-nirari III ( 1202 1197 BC ), Enlil-kudurri-usur ( 1196 1193 BC ) and Ninurta-apal-Ekur ( 1192 118......
- 1197 ce The last ruler Jayata-simha was probably defeated by Qutb al-Din Aibak in 1197 CE. In 1197 CE, the Ghurid general Qutb al-Din Aibak launched a southern expedition from Ajmer. Hearing of th......
- 1197年 金承安二年(1197年)析置靜封縣。 三年(1197年)四月,授工部尚書。 1197年9月10日,他在阿克不慎墜樓而死。 1197年,佩皮尼昂獲得部分自治權利。 生于宋寧宗慶元三年(1197年)。 (1197年~1213年),基輔大公(1214年~1223年)。 生于南宋慶元三年(1197年)。 1197年:塞爾柱土耳其滅耶路撒冷王國。 慶元三年(1197年)??加封忠翊疆......
- ad 1197 But Rajput resistance continued till Jayachandra's son, Harishchandra, recovered Kanauj, Jaunpur and Mirzapur in AD 1197.
- crusade of 1197 Hermann joined the German Crusade of 1197 but returned on news of Henry VI's death. Meinhard is known to have taken part in the German Crusade of 1197 launched by the Acre. And so, it was ......
- deaths in 1197 Upon Henry's death in 1197, a war of succession inevitably took place. He held the office until his death in 1197 when his son, Magn鷖 g箴i Gu餸undarson, took over. Marie resumed regency when......
- fm 1197 The route was extended to its current length in 1960, when the eastern extension of FM 1197 and the mileage of the original became part of this route.
- switch 1197 In 2015, a group of community broadcasters including Switch 1197, Valley FM Ipswich began broadcasting matches featuring Ipswich Jets. Switch 1197 began test transmissions in late 2002 and......
- united nations security council resolution 1197 "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1197 "', adopted unanimously on 18 September 1998, after reaffirming its primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security, ......
- year 1197 The manuscript is dated by the colophon to the year 1197. In the year from the incarnation of our Lord, 1188, this church was burnt in the month of September, the night after the feast of ......