- 1214 ce Ultimately Ganapatideva, the powerful Kakatiya monarch, had made their country subordinate to his rule by 1214 CE . The subsequent defeat of the Telugu Cholas by the Kakatiya Ganapatideva ......
- 1214 in scotland *The Britain : 1214 in Scotland, 180 in England, 156 in Wales and 5 on the Isle of Man ( Black Mountain is in both England and Wales ).
- 1214 siege of sinope A possible fifth one is the Syrian chronicler Ibn Natif, who refers to a conflict dated around 1230 between Sultan Kaykubad and " Laskari " where Kaykubad won the first battle but lost the......
- 1214年 羅吉爾?培根(Roger Bacon),1214年~1292年。 1214年春,完顏承暉立馬居庸關外。 蘇格蘭國王(1214年-1249年在位)。 (1214年)、陳南一(1238年)三人。 嘉定七年(1214年)書成,次年刊行。 始建于南宋嘉定七年(1214年)。 1214年,金被迫遷都汴京(今開封)。 金貞二年(公元1214年)遭兵燹而毀。 。”貞佑二年(1214年)肇......
- deaths in 1214 After his death in 1214, his eldest son Ermesinde of Namur. Ermengarde was described as distraught and lethargic over her husband s death in 1214. By the end of David s reign in 1153 the......
- gj 1214 As of 2015, GJ 1214 b is the most likely known candidate for being an ocean planet. In December 2013, NASA reported that clouds may have been detected in the atmosphere of GJ 1214 b. GJ 12......
- gj 1214 b As of 2015, GJ 1214 b is the most likely known candidate for being an ocean planet. In December 2013, NASA reported that clouds may have been detected in the atmosphere of GJ 1214 b. GJ 12......
- gliese 1214 In mid-December 2009, a team of Harvard-Smithsonian astronomers announced the discovery of a companion extrasolar planet, Gliese 1214 b, potentially composed largely of water and having th......
- gliese 1214 b In mid-December 2009, a team of Harvard-Smithsonian astronomers announced the discovery of a companion extrasolar planet, Gliese 1214 b, potentially composed largely of water and having th......
- united nations security council resolution 1214 "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1214 "', adopted unanimously on 8 December 1998, after recalling resolutions 1193 ( 1998 ) concerning Afghanistan, the Council discussed the d......
- year 1214 Ineu was first attested in documents in the year 1214 under the name " Villa Ieneu ". According to pious tradition, the concept of the rosary was given to Saint Dominic in an apparition of......