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  • 138化妝品招商網    廣東清遠紗廠有限公司是由138化妝品招商網、香港集嘉國際(集團)有限公司和邦達國際(香港)有限公司共同投資興辦的中外合資企業。 138化妝品招商網是發布化妝品招商、化妝品代理的權威美容化妝品網站,網站旨在為化妝品生產廠家與代理商提供高效的化妝品信息交流平臺。 138化妝品招商網是一家專業解決近萬家化妝品生產企業與近幾十萬家化妝品經銷商和上百萬家零售單位和美容院之間化妝品招商......
  • 138 ad    For whatever reason, this was not enough for the emperor Hadrian ( emperor 117 AD-138 AD ). Other traditions have him surviving for some time past the year of Hadrian's death ( 138 AD ). H......
  • 138 bc    About 138 BC Zhang Qian reached the Fergana Valley northwest of the Pamirs. In 138 BC, Attalus II died and Attalus III succeeded as King. However, recent evidence suggests that Mithridates......
  • 138 bce    Scipio Nasica Serapio, became consul in 138 BCE she probably married around 184-183 BCE. In 138 BCE, Dora was the scene of battle between Seleucid emperor Antiochus VII Sidetes and the usu......
  • 138 ce    Hadrian ( emperor 117-138 CE ) attempted to root out Judaism, which he saw as the cause of continuous rebellions. He was in his mid-teens when he met the Emperor in 120s CE . Circa 130-138......
  • 138 tolosa    As of 2006, there are no known meteorites with compositions similar to the spectrum of 138 Tolosa.
  • 138艦泰州號    138艦泰州號,是中國在2002年1月向俄羅斯訂購的兩艘現代級驅逐艦中的一艘,由俄羅斯北方造船廠建造。 因此,138艦泰州號的對海、對空打擊武器經過全面升級,其反艦和防空能力均有大幅升級,其整體攻防能力已不可同日而語
  • 138年    順帝永和三年(138年)左雄病逝。 三年二月乙亥(公元138年2月28日)。 (117~138年在位)把它重建(120~124年)。 年間(1865年),至今已近138年的歷史。 十八年(1838年),距今已有138年歷史。 (公元前138年?前78年)之間的對立。 張騫出使西域是在公元前138年。 “《富春曹氏宗譜》已有138年沒修了。 擁有138年歷史的雀巢公司起源于瑞......
  • 138美容網    138美容網是廣州勵旗網絡科技有限公司經營品牌,為中國美容互聯網服務供應商。 138美容網誕生在中國美容之都廣州,由中國美容互聯網業界知名人士陳其力先生在2005年創立。 138美容網品牌旗下由三大網站構成,分別為:138job中國美容人才網、138edu中國美容培訓教育網、138jm中國美妝加盟網,成為了各自領域里的互聯網品牌。 138Edu是138美容網旗下中國美容美發......
  • 138團網    138團網是一個的團購導航網站,提供團購網站導航,收集了全國主要省會城市的團購信息;還提供了團購點評,團購投訴,團購分享,團購差評服務。
  • 138端口    而138端口的主要作用就是提供NetBIOS環境下的計算機名瀏覽功能。 138端口都屬于UDP端口,它們在局域網中相互傳輸文件信息時,就會發生作用。 137、138端口都屬于UDP端口,它們在局域網中相互傳輸文件信息時,就會發生作用。 非法入侵者要是與目標主機的138端口建立連接請求的話,就能輕松獲得目標主機所處的局域網網絡名稱以及目標主機的計算機名稱。 138端口它是為共......
  • 138泰州號    組圖:中國138泰州號俄制現代級導彈驅...(12.16)組圖:中國海軍138泰州號俄制現代級導...(12.16)組圖:中國海軍137福州號俄制現代級導...(12.16)組圖:中國海軍136號俄制現代級導彈驅逐艦(12.16)組圖:中國海軍136號俄制現代級導彈驅...(12.16)“白蛉”是一種超音速低空自尋的巡航導彈。
  • 138號黃    他倆經過一段時間的周密勘察,通過熟人找到廣西銀行的黃昌炎經理,再經黃昌炎介紹,找了當年桂北路138號黃曠達開設的“萬祥糟坊”。
  • ad 138    Heliodorus was " ab epistulis " under the emperor Hadrian and " praefectus Aegypti " between AD 138 and 140. The prominent ancient historian Edward Togo Salmon notes in his work, " A histo......
  • bellator 138    The fight was rescheduled for 19 June 2015 at Bellator 138. Straus faced undefeated prospect Henry Corrales at Bellator 138 on June 19, 2015. Bellator 138 ( Kimbo vs Shamrock ) was the hig......
  • blohm und voss bv 138    Sub-variants included the Fw 200C-3 / U1 with a 15mm MG 151 cannon in a power-operated forward turret of a similar type to that used on the upper nose of the Blohm und Voss Bv 138 flying b......
  • bristol 138    In 1936, the Englishman Francis Swain achieved 15, 230 m ( 49, 970 ft ) with a Bristol 138; but in the same year Pezzi surpassed this, reaching 15, 635 m ( 51, 300 ft ) aboard a Ca . 161. ......
  • bristol type 138    The "'Bristol Type 138 High Altitude Monoplane "'was a British high-altitude research aircraft of the 1930s. *1936  First flight of The Bristol Type 138 High Altitude Monoplane, British h......
  • bv 138    Some examples of the BV 138 were adapted to specialized roles. Most numerous was the BV 138, a Axis forces. On 13 September the convoy was again sighted by a BV 138 from Golden Comb ". Dur......
  • bwv 138    Johann Sebastian composed a chorale cantata on the hymn, " Warum betr黚st du dich, mein Herz ", BWV 138.
  • ca 138    Google Earth shows this location to be right at the CA 138 junction, and the elevation at 3111 ft.
  • california state highway 138    It is a rural community centered south of California State Highway 138 ( Avenue D ) near 90th Street West. Its head is to the west, at at an elevation of, and less than 1 / 2 mile south of......
  • california state route 138    The I-5 intersection with California State Route 138 is in its eastern section. The fire started at about 12 : 10 pm on Sunday, August 7, 2016, near the Miller Canyon OHV area off Californ......
  • convoy sl 138    Later in the month, she returned to convoy escort duty, taking part in the escort of the combined convoys SL 138. In October 1943 " Rochester " and 39 EG, escorting convoy SL 138 / MKS 28,......
  • county route 138    Historic landmarks include the stone house at the intersection of State Route 342 and County Route 138 that once served as the post office for the area, and the Calcium Community Church at......

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