- 1383 ad He is also the half-brother Thibaud Malestroit ( died 1408 ), who was bishop of Tr間uier in 1378 and Quimper in 1383 AD.
- 1383 bc "' Ashur-nadin-ahhe II " "'( Aaaur-ndin-ahh II ) " was king of Assyria from 1393 to 1383 BC . Preceded by Ashur-rim-nisheshu, he is considered to be the last king of the Old Assyrian......
- 1383 ce Shah Hamadan, as he was popularly called, came to Kashmir in September 1372 CE, 1379 CE and the third time in the year 1383 CE.
- 1383 limburgia "' 1383 Limburgia "', provisional designation, is a carbonaceous asteroid from the outer region of the asteroid belt, approximately 23 kilometers in diameter.
- 1383年 洪武十六年(1383年)正月,云南平。 翌年(1383年)又屬四川烏蒙府轄地。 它始建于明洪武十六年(公元1383年)。 1383年,德拉馬地區被奧斯曼帝國占領。 明洪武十六年(1383年)復置,屬普定府。 洪武十六年(1383年)五月,孝陵殿建成。 公元1383年,年號:洪武十六年;癸亥年。 1383年恢復官職后,成為改革派的核心人物。 十六年(1383年)改九名九姓獨山......
- deaths in 1383 He was a prolific writer and avid collector of travelogues, right up to his death in 1383. Sadayo continued to push the loyalists forces until their resistance ended with Prince Kanenaga's......
- united nations security council resolution 1383 "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1383 "', adopted unanimously on 6 December 2001, after reaffirming all U . S . invasion and preceding the establishment of permanent instituti......
- year 1383 Sunday March 21, the first day of spring, marks Nowruz, the beginning of the year 1383 on the Persian calendar. Liang quotes the " Ming Dynastic History " ( Mingshi ) 339th chapter for Cha......