- 1559 ad Dravya Shah defeated the Khadkas in 1559 AD and commenced Shah rule over the principality. In 1559 AD, after conquering Qurbani, regarding killing animals in the name of religion as a crue......
- 1559 kustaanheimo The light curve of 1559 Kustaanheimo shows a periodicity of, during which time the brightness of the object varies by in magnitude.
- 1559年 從1559年起,他做了劍橋大學校長。 1559年他們脫離圣公會組成清教派。 第谷于1559年入哥本哈根大學讀書。 三十八年(1559年)又加以培修。 1559年進哥本哈根大學學習法律。 嘉慶三十八年(1559年)直屬平涼府。 有大學(建于1559年)、羅馬式教堂。 三十七年(公元1559年)倭報急。 實際上從1559年開始圣統制在英國解體。 嘉靖三十八年(1559年)都御史......
- act of supremacy 1559 Other Acts concerned with this settlement were the Act of Supremacy 1559 and the Thirty-Nine Articles ( 1563 ). The Anglican Communion traces much of its growth to the older mission organi......
- act of uniformity 1559 The opposition of the House of Lords to the Act of Uniformity 1559, rendering obligatory the use of the English Prayer-Book, made the Government warily follow a policy of compromise. In se......
- ad 1559 Sadasiva, AD 1559 . This is dated Saka 1481, Siddharthin, Sravana ba . 12 Friday corresponding to 31 July 1559 . The weekday, however, was Monday.
- deaths in 1559 Theophanes returned to Crete before his death in 1559. Released in January 1555, he lived in London until his death in 1559. After his death in 1559, Lord Williams'possessions were passed ......
- ngc 1559 During that time, he found four supernovae; three had already been discovered by others, the fourth was SN 2005df, which was Evan's third supernova discovery in NGC 1559 ( after SN 1984J a......
- resolution 1559 The question of compliance with Resolution 1559 is a prominent matter in Lebanese politics. In September, the United States and France steered Resolution 1559 through the U . N . Security ......
- un security council resolution 1559 This amendment comes in discordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which called for a new presidential election in Lebanon. In September 2004, Hariri defended UN Security Co......
- uniformity act of 1559 In his written defence he admitted his obligation to use the prayer-book authorised by the Uniformity Act of 1559 ( i . e . Edward VI's second prayer-book ), and denied that he had ever re......
- united nations security council resolution 1559 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 called for the disarmament of militia The 2006 military conflict with Israel has increased the controversy. United Nations Security Council ......
- unscr 1559 On 13 March, tens of thousands protested in the southern city of Nabatiy?in support of Syria and opposition to UNSCR 1559, according to reports. Hezbollah became a part of the Lebanese gov......
- westminster conference 1559 Langdale was one of the Catholic divines appointed to the Westminster Conference 1559 . On his refusal to take the oath of supremacy he was soon afterwards deprived of all his preferments.......
- year 1559 Ivan gained further ground in campaigns during the years 1559 and 1560. The architectural paintings were done by Jakob Ziegler in the years 1559 / 60. In the 16th century registries, the y......