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160th brigade造句

160th brigadeの例文  


  • These units combined to create the 160th Brigade.
  • In 1968 the division was finally deactivated, but its 160th Brigade remains in service today.
  • Imleih, the 160th Brigade opposing Point 720 and the 229th Brigade opposing el Buqqar ridge.
  • While the artillery bombardment began at 05 : 00, the 160th Brigade was forced to begin their attack 15 minutes later on empty stomachs.
  • Subsequently, the 159th Brigade captured Sheikh Ajlin on the coast without difficulty, while a counterattack on Samson Ridge against the 160th Brigade was unsuccessful.
  • On their right, machine gun fire from the woodland area delayed the 160th Brigade's attack on Samson Ridge, which was not captured until 13 : 00.
  • A section of 91st Heavy Battery was to move into the wadi, while a section the 10th Heavy Battery of 60-pdrs was attached to the 160th Brigade Group.
  • While the 160th Brigade guarded a water supply at Samiye, the 158th and 159th Brigades, advanced, suffering 690 casualties but captured 1, 195 prisoners and nine guns.
  • Meanwhile, the 160th Brigade had met increasing machine gun and artillery fire until a five-minute artillery bombardment at 04 : 45 enabled the capture of the Square Hill position.
  • The 159th Brigade advanced again and captured the Hindhead position at 04 : 40 after a red rocket, from the 160th Brigade indicating it had captured most of their objectives, was sighted.
  • It's difficult to see 160th brigade in a sentence. 用160th brigade造句挺難的
  • The peacekeeping exercise featured instructors and soldiers from the Kazakhstan Peacekeeping Operations Training Center, U . K . soldiers from the 1st Rifles Battalion, 160th Brigade, and Soldiers from the Arizona National Guard.
  • Mott deployed four infantry battalions, the 158th Brigade with the 4 / Royal Sussex of the 160th Brigade attached, to attack under cover of his divisional artillery ( less one battery ), the 91st Heavy Battery and the concentrated machine guns.
  • The 160th Brigade on the right succeeded in advancing up a slight valley east of the Abu Jerwal peak and, by 12 : 30, they were within range of Tel el Khuweilfe, and extending the Anzac Mounted Division's firing line.
  • Three companies of the 2nd Battalion British West Indies Regiment, ( Chaytor's Force ) supported by the 160th Brigade's battery, " drove in " Ottoman outposts and captured a ridge to the south of Bakr Ridge at 15 : 25, despite intense enemy artillery and machine gun fire.
  • There remain a few remnants of the division in the TA . The 160th Brigade is the regional brigade responsible for the administration of all TA units in Wales, while 53 ( Welsh ) Signal Squadron are the descendant formation of 53rd ( Welsh ) Divisional Signal Regiment, and continues to serve in a very similar capacity, providing communications support to the 160th Brigade.
  • There remain a few remnants of the division in the TA . The 160th Brigade is the regional brigade responsible for the administration of all TA units in Wales, while 53 ( Welsh ) Signal Squadron are the descendant formation of 53rd ( Welsh ) Divisional Signal Regiment, and continues to serve in a very similar capacity, providing communications support to the 160th Brigade.
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