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  • 1630 ad    Balabhadradeva ( 1605-1630 AD ), the Chouhan ruler of Sambalpur defeated Siddhabhanja Dev ( Siddheswar Dev ) of Boudh and forced him cede the Sonepur region which was made a separate state......
  • 1630 am    KCHUNG broadcasts over 200 shows a month on 1630 AM and online through the station's website.
  • 1630 bc    Egypt and Babylonia's foot soldiers were unable to defend against the invaders : in 1630 BC, the Hyksos swept into the Nile Delta, and in 1595 BC, the Hittites swept into Mesopotamia. Bel-......
  • 1630 ce    The archeological site shows indigenous human habitation from about 1300 CE to 1630 CE, including the time of the historic Piscataway. Following the capture of the kingdom by Ladakh in 163......
  • 1630 in england    His mother, Mary Kent, died in 1630 in England shortly after the birth and death of her fourth child.
  • 1630年    1630年至1640年是普桑創作的旺盛時期。 1630年后刻于山西,1923年第四次刻本。 公元1630年(明崇禎三年)中舉人。 教堂里保存著一尊1630年的圣母像。 后篇所記是公元1630年入閩的游歷。 “庚午”為明崇禎三年(1630年)。 崇禎三年(1630年)任南京監察御史。 明崇禎三年(公元1630年)舉人。 1630年以前,喜劇在法國并不受重視。 1630年代末發......
  • am 1630    Weather forecasts from this station can also heard on KCRR-FM 97.7, KKHQ-FM 92.3, KOEL-FM 98.5 and KCJJ-AM 1630. Mexico has a total of five radio stations licensed for the expanded band : ......
  • deaths in 1630    The title became extinct on his death in 1630. Victor Amadeus became Duke of Savoy after his father's death in 1630. It was extinct on his death in 1630. He had no sons and consequently th......
  • fm 1630    It was extended north 2.5 miles and south 2.9 miles in 1951, and again southward in 1952, to FM 1630 intersection.
  • frisco 1630    Two, Great Western 90, a Baldwin Decapod at the Strasburg Rail Road, and Frisco 1630, a Russian Decapod at the Illinois Railway Museum, are operational.
  • the officers of the st adrian militia company in 1630    Buttinga had previously been painted three years earlier as sergeant on the far right in Hendrik Pot's " The Officers of the St Adrian Militia Company in 1630 ". A few of these were formal......
  • year 1630    A third book was published just before her death covering the years 1630-42. He was together with Hans Witdoeck a pupil of Lucas Vorsterman during the years 1630-31. The year 1630 saw a te......

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