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17th street造句

17th streetの例文  


  • Dorsey Park is located on Northwest 17th Street and First Avenue.
  • At the Union Square Theater, 100 East 17th Street, Manhattan.
  • There were all sorts of outlandish hopes on 17th Street.
  • The company later added an adjacent annex on 17th Street.
  • He taught at Dvorak's National Conservatory on East 17th Street.
  • AZ 21 West 17th Street; ( 212 ) 691-8888.
  • She set him up in a Manhattan townhouse on East 17th Street.
  • Their home for many years was at 2315 17th Street in Wilmington.
  • But perhaps the greatest disappointment stands at the breached 17th Street levee.
  • The district runs along Church Street, between 9th and 17th Streets.
  • It's difficult to see 17th street in a sentence. 用17th street造句挺難的
  • The zendo is located at 37 W . 17th Street in Manhattan.
  • Here, the 17th Street Canal is breached by hurricane storm surge.
  • Erick had this exquisite studio on West 17th Street.
  • And so there was a sense of radical isolation on East 17th Street.
  • NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY, 100 East 17th Street.
  • 1932 : Mitchell and Marsh move to the Russell Apartments on 17th Street.
  • Several of the grand mansions that once lined 17th Street are still standing.
  • One side of 17th Street was yellow police tape.
  • The museum, at 500 17th Street NW, is closed on Tuesday.
  • The Art Deco Walker Tower entrance on 17th Street.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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