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  • 182 ad    In 182 AD, she was involved in a plot with her cousin, the former consul Marcus Ummidius Quadratus, to assassinate Commodus and raise her husband up as Emperor.
  • 182 bc    He eventually committed suicide ( ca 182 BC ) to avoid capture. Polybius, who wrote nearest the event, gives 182 BC . Sulpicius Blitho records it under 181 BC. In 182 BC, L?Zhi issued a br......
  • 182 elsa    The asteroids 182 Elsa, 224 Oceana, and 899 Jokaste were also observed with the Faint Object Spectrograph, and with the same spectral element G270H. The main-belt asteroids 224 Oceana, 182......
  • 182年    公元前182年,改信都郡為信都國。 孫權(182年??252年),字仲謀。 統治期間約在前228年-約前182年。 統治期間約在前182年-約前149年。 前182年,呂產進為呂王,?侯國國除。 高后六年(公元前182年),侯郭它繼位。 前182年,封東牟侯,呂后召之宿衛長安。 高后六年(前182年)逝世。 182年,康茂德在劇院險些受到刺客的暗殺。 )(182年?221年......
  • 182團    1960年他被調任182團政治處主任。 1948年入國民革命軍第90師61旅182團1營1連1排排長。 11月3日,第三野戰軍21軍61師182團、183團奉命向盤踞在登步島的國民黨軍22師發起攻擊。 1962年3月,楊西夫被調任21軍組織處副處長;1964年1月調任182團副政治委員;1965年1月,升任182團政治委員。 1951年6月,楊西夫被調任182團組織股副股長......
  • ai 182    The caller further requested to be put on the waiting list for AI 181 from Toronto to Montreal and AI 182 from Montreal to Bombay.
  • air india 182    In 2007 a memorial for Air India 182 opened in Toronto. Both Eisha and Amita Marjara along with father Harinder were interview subjects of the documentary " Air India 182 ". It stated that......
  • air india flight 182    Or Air India Flight 182 over the Irish Channel in 1985. Her mother and Seema died on Air India Flight 182. The book is about the Air India Flight 182 bombing in 1985. One bomb downed Air I......
  • air india flight 182 bombing    The book is about the Air India Flight 182 bombing in 1985. The Air India Flight 182 bombing, which originated in Montreal, happened during Mulroney's first term. Inderjit Singh Reyat, con......
  • air india flight 182 disaster    D . B . Jones, the author of " Brave New Film Board, " wrote that the filmmaker " verges on self-pity and often seems self-absorbed, but she can also be brutally honest about herself . " A......
  • alabama state route 182    The Flora-Bama was originally constructed in 1964, two years after the road ( Alabama State Route 182 ) connecting Orange Beach, AL with Perdido Key, FL was completed.
  • blink - 182    Atlantic Records : Blink-182 just lost some credibility points. Last summer Honda sponsored Blink-182, this year Incubus. Singer-guitarist Tom Delonge of Blink-182 is 26. In 2015, Blink-18......
  • blink 182    The band Blink 182 struts its buff in similar fashion. The band started out playing Blink 182 and Jimmy Eat World covers. Blink 182 serves the gawky guy audience through speedy music that ......
  • blink 182 reunion tour    In 2009 Dave began working on a several steerable sub woofer array concepts which he implemented on the Blink 182 reunion tour. He went back out as Front of House engineer for the Blink 18......
  • bwv 182    He composed one for this combined occasion in Weimar ( BWV 182 ). Texts set by Bach include those of the cantatas BWV 31, BWV 70a, BWV 72, BWV 80, BWV 132, BWV 147, BWV 152, BWV 155, BWV 1......
  • ca 182    He eventually committed suicide ( ca 182 BC ) to avoid capture.
  • california state route 182    California State Route 182 ( also known as the Sweet Water Road ) and its continuation Nevada State Route 338 head northeast along the southern East Walker River valley from their terminus......
  • cessna 182    The single-engine Cessna 182, disappeared from radar Friday night. The STC conversion on the Cessna 182 includes a new oil coolers. My wife and I used to fly a Cessna 182 in New Mexico. Th......
  • cessna 182 skylane    The AirLony Skylane design was inspired by the much larger four-seat Cessna 182 Skylane, which it greatly resembles. The "'Cessna 182 Skylane "'is an American four-seat, single-engined lig......
  • convention 182    Barrett also worked with the federal government to ensure Canada's ratification of the International Labour Organization's convention 182 against child labour. In 1999, ILO helped lead the......
  • convention no 182    The "'Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour "', known in short as the "'Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention "......
  • deaths in 182    Abu Yusuf held the position of Grand Qadi until his death in 182 / 798CE.
  • flight 182    Or Air India Flight 182 over the Irish Channel in 1985. Perviz Madon lost her husband, Sam, on flight 182. Perviz Madon lost her husband, Sam, on Flight 182. At 8 : 34 am, Flight 182 depar......
  • highway 182    US 90 replaced almost all of the Louisiana section of the Raceland, is now Louisiana Highway 182. "' Puerto Rico Highway 182 "'is a primary road located entirely within the municipality of......
  • ilo convention 182    BBA has led the largest civil society initiative in the world against child labour in the form of the Global March Against Child Labour in 1998, leading to ILO Convention 182 on Worst Form......

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