- 1841 ad Formerly known as the Kwan Tie Bio Temple, this temple is estimated to be made in 1841 AD ( from the Chinese characters on an iron bell in the temple ).
- 1841 bc He was contemporary with Gungunum, c . 1868 1841 BC ( short ), and his successor Adab, modern Bismaya, where Ab + -sar defeated the army of Isin with his weapon, in the 9th year-n......
- 1841 ce After George's defeat, this was taken over by James Skinner ( c . 1778 to 1841 CE ) who also used this as his residence. The "'Jahaj Kothi Museum "'in James Skinner ( c . 1778 to 1841 CE )......
- 1841 cerm Curiously, the racemic version [ . . . ], also known as 1841 CERM, was originally reported to possess analgesic properties while no association with 5-HT 2C receptor activity was mentioned......
- 1841 grand national Lord Craven was the owner of the racehorse Charity which won the 1841 Grand National.
- 1841 in chile He lived in exile in the Banda Oriental from 1833 and then from 1841 in Chile, where he was rector of the Universidad de Chile.
- 1841 in france At the time of the murder Byron was unemployed and had lived for several weeks in lodgings with her lover Arthur Reginald Baker, a stockbroker, in the home of Madam Adrienne Liard ( born 1......
- 1841 in ireland Preston was born in 1841 in Ireland.
- 1841 masaryk "' 1841 Masaryk "', provisional designation, is a carbonaceous asteroid from the outer region of the asteroid belt, approximately 46 kilometers in diameter.
- 1841 naval air squadron All but two of the dive bombers were armed with powerful armour-piercing bombs; the other aircraft each carried three bombs . 1841 Naval Air Squadron's 18 Corsairs were assigned to provide......
- 1841年 1835-1841年擔任羅馬法蘭西學院院長。 始建于清道光二十一年(1841年)。 1841年5月29日,盤踞四方炮臺的英軍。 1841年5月(道光二十一年四月)生。 《拿布果》于1841年秋季完成作曲。 1841年9月出生于捷克一個貧苦家庭。 1841年5月,派赴浙江,協辦海防。 1841年英國鐵路出現了臂板信號機。 《納布科》於1841年秋季完成作曲。 1 84 1年,......
- bessel ellipsoid of 1841 Amongst the different set of data used in national surveys are several of special importance : the Bessel ellipsoid of 1841, the international Hayford ellipsoid of 1924, and ( for GPS posi......
- bishops in foreign countries act 1841 An agreement was reached to establish a joint bishopric of the united Protestant congregations, known as the Anglican-German Bishopric in Jerusalem and this was facilitated by the passing ......
- deaths in 1841 However his career was cut short by his death in 1841. Frascati was Barbour's home until his death in 1841. Eventually Charles became Governor General of Canada until his death in 1841. Ne......
- events in 1841 He lost the event in 1841 to Thomas Lowten Jenkins after he suffered a rheumatic attack.
- niger expedition of 1841 The steam vessels built for the Niger expedition of 1841 were fitted with ventilation systems based on Reid's Westminster model. At the end of 1840 he travelled to England to meet the Afri......
- preemption act of 1841 For example, see the Preemption Act of 1841. Eventually the political opposition by the speculators crumbled and the Preemption Act of 1841 was passed. The Preemption Act of 1841 was pivot......
- united kingdom census 1841 Also living in the house at the time of the United Kingdom Census 1841 were Robert Roper, agricultural pupil, and two servants Mary Hannant and Ann Fish. By the 19th century it became two ......
- united kingdom census of 1841 The United Kingdom Census of 1841 refers to the area as Baldmoor Lake, which was once a body of water south of the Chester Road.
- year 1841 The foundation of the famed music school dates back to the year 1841. The Irish Census returns for the years 1841 to 1891 are not available having been destroyed. A brewery was built near ......