185 sm造句
- sm nasimuddin sm amin The group was founded and led by Malaysian business tycoon Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin SM Amin until his death on 1 May 2008. The Naza Group of Companies began with the establishment of Naza Mot......
- tan sri sm nasimuddin sm amin The group was founded and led by Malaysian business tycoon Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin SM Amin until his death on 1 May 2008. The Naza Group of Companies began with the establishment of Naza Mot......
- 185 ad Siraf, was also significant in that it had a flourishing commercial trade with China by the 4th century, having first established connection with the far east in 185 AD. The oldest of thes......
- 185 airborne division folgore The " Nembo " was formed in December 1942 from the 185 Parachute Regiment from 185 Airborne Division Folgore. In North Africa, the Italian 132 Armored Division Ariete and the 185 Airborne ......
- 185 arw The airport is home to the 185th Air Refueling Wing ( 185 ARW ), an Air Mobility Command ( AMC )-gained unit of the Iowa Air National Guard, flying the KC-135 Stratotanker, as well as Siou......
- 185 bc Scipio himself was subsequently ( 185 BC ) accused of having been bribed by Antiochus. Mauryan rule ended in 185 BC with the overthrow of the last king by the Shunga Dynasty. The war betwe......
- 185 bce The Mauryan Empire ( 322 185 BCE ) categorised soils and made meteorological observations for agricultural use. In 185 BCE he assassinated the last Mauryan Emperor, Brihadratha Maurya, du......
- 185 ce One of Lokaksema's students, another Yuezhi monk named Zhi Yao ( ), translated Mahayana texts from Central Asia around 185 CE, such as the " Sutra on the Completion of Brightness " ( ). Th......
- 185 eunike Witt was taking a 2-hour exposure of Beta Aquarii to secure astrometric positions of asteroid 185 Eunike.
- 185 series One return service to and from Shinjuku continues to use 185 series rolling stock. In October 1981, the " Izu " express was upgraded to become the " Odoriko " limited express, with all tra......
- 185核桃 185核桃產區主要分布在溫宿縣,溫宿縣位于新疆維吾爾自治區南部,天山山脈最高峰-托木爾峰腳下,有托木爾蘇、瓊臺蘭等主要冰川14條。
- 185年 刻于東漢中平二年(公元185年)。 (公元前321-公元前185年)的都城。 公元前185年左右,孔雀王朝滅亡。 該王國最終在前185年被托勒密平定。 公元前185年,張良去世,謚號文成侯。 在185年10月26日首次被威廉?帕森思發現。 碑立于漢中平二年(185年)。 利蒼于高后三年(公元前185年)去世。 1996年獲文化部程長庚誕辰185年紀念演出獎。 公元前185年......
- ad 185 In around AD 185, Caesonius Macer continued his climb up the " Cursus Honorem " with his appointment as " Asculum ). It is the oldest known inscription from the Kathmandu Valley . " The in......
- air tahoma flight 185 "' Air Tahoma Flight 185 "'was a scheduled cargo flight from captain received minor injuries.
- bwv 185 Here as in the first work for the same occasion, BWV 185, Bach shows the mirror effect of the words, " " ( Make yourself into such an image, as you would have your neighbour be ! ) by imit......
- ca 185 In this position he devoted himself with energy and vigour to the reform of the law ( note his important dissenting opinion in " Jorden v Money ( 1854 ) 5 HL Cas 185 " ); Lord Derby on his......
- cessna 185 The pilot of the single-engine Cessna 185 plane was rescued. Stationed at this aerodrome is a Cessna 185 on floats. The company was started with just one aeroplane, a Cessna 185. A Cessna ......
- cessna 185 skywagon The "'Cessna 185 Skywagon "'is a six-seat, single-engined, general aviation light aircraft manufactured by Cessna.
- class 185 In 2007 Passenger Focus published a user survey on the Class 185. Services are operated with Class 185 " Pennine" The Siemens Desiro Class 185 Pennine is in service on First TransPennine E......
- connecticut route 185 Talcott Mountain is traversed by the following roads ( from south to north ), Connecticut Route 4, U . S . Route 44, and Connecticut Route 185.
- dbag class 185 Locomotive types derived from the DBAG Class 145 included a two voltage system version for international traffic, the DBAG Class 185, ordered in July 1998. After Bombardier Transportation ......
- events in 185 The group is coordinating events in 185 nations today, from a festival in London to a car boycott in Indonesia, from a parachuting demonstration in Croatia to a free concert on the Charles......
- federal route 185 It is a main route to Second East-West Highway ( Federal Route 185 ). The road is overlaps with the Second East-West Highway ( Federal Route 185 ) from Kuala Jeneris to Kenyir Lake.
- flight 185 In 1997, SilkAir Flight 185 suddenly went into a high dive from its cruising altitude. On 19 December 1997, Flight 185 crashed into the Musi River near Palembang in southern Sumatra. "' Ai......
- gliese 185 "' HD 32450 "'( also known as Gliese 185 ) is a red dwarf star in the constellation Lepus.