- 1851 atlantic hurricane season A hurricane in the fall of 1850 undermined it, and the fourth hurricane of the 1851 Atlantic hurricane season toppled the tower in August of that year.
- 1851 boundary treaty The "'1851 Boundary Treaty "'established between Brazil and Uruguay as a result of the Uruguayan Civil War and conflicts with Brazil and Argentina; the result of the treaty was a step towa......
- 1851 census The total given in the 1851 census is 967, 908. James lived in East Lambroughton in the 1841 and 1851 censuses. The 1851 Census it was Edward Cole who occupied the Hall. The 1851 census sh......
- 1851 coup In 1851 coup then confirmed the result : the Second French Empire. He protested against the 1851 coup. It was outlawed following Napoleon III's 2 December 1851 coup, and disappeared on 31 ......
- 1851 coup of bonaparte After several other ministerial functions, he was nominated governor of the Bank of France in 1834 and retained his functions until 9 June 1857, despite the institutional changes ( Second ......
- 1851 exhibition scholarship In 1896 Erskine won an 1851 Exhibition Scholarship and opted to study in Berlin at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat. In 1924 Myers won the coveted honour of an 1851 Exhibition Scholarshi......
- 1851 exhibition science scholarship After winning an 1851 Exhibition Science Scholarship in 1910 he left Sydney to study at the University of Cambridge, where he worked until 1913.
- 1851 exhibition senior studentship After Berlin he attended Imperial College London with the award of an 1851 Exhibition Senior Studentship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851.
- 1851 great exhibition It was first presented at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. The use of 1851 Great Exhibition curtains long by wide were displayed. Following the 1851 Great Exhibition in West End and th......
- 1851 in the united states And here is the proof : The Most Intense Hurricanes in the United States 1851-2004 with . " The pressure dropped to 915 mb at 6 am . " and the last storm with that level or lower was Hurri......
- 1851 lacroute "' 1851 Lacroute "', provisional designation, is an asteroid from the outer region of the asteroid belt, approximately 17 kilometers in diameter.
- 1851 navy colt revolver The other bullet, he says, was of the same type James was said to have been hit with when shot _ not fatally _ by Union troops, allegedly while under a flag of truce, in 1865 _ an 1851 Nav......
- 1851 new zealand census The "'1851 New Zealand census "'was the first Europeans, revealed a population of 26, 707.
- 1851 research fellowship From 1925 to 1928 he held an 1851 Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. The same year, Chadwick was awarded an 1851 Research Fellowship from the Royal C......
- 1851年 咸豐元年(1851年)二任南陽知府。 1851年,首次在荷蘭萊頓分12冊出版。 1851年任總兵,在廣西鎮壓太平軍。 1851年,巴西也派軍隊侵入烏拉圭。 1851年后,考古學家開始進行發掘。 雨果第一次來布魯賽爾是1851年底。 1851年為巴黎大學教授,于1862年退休。 1851年,他開始出版《教育年鑒》。 咸豐元年(1851年)被封為恭親王。 1851年共有6039......
- 2 december 1851 coup It was outlawed following Napoleon III's 2 December 1851 coup, and disappeared on 31 December 1851. Lord Palmerston, who at the time of Louis Bonaparte's 2 December 1851 coup was serving a......
- arsenic act 1851 The "'Arsenic Act 1851 "'( 14 & 15 Vict c . 13 ) was passed by the United Kingdom Parliament in 1851, during the reign of Queen Victoria.
- chilean civil war of 1851 His administration concentrated on the occupation of the territory, especially the Strait of Magellan and the Chilean Civil War of 1851.
- colt 1851 navy revolver Colt followed this design with the Colt 1851 Navy Revolver which was larger than the Baby Dragoon, but not quite as large as the full-sized version. At the outbreak of the American Civil W......
- colt model 1851 The major types of revolver used were the Colt Model 1851 and 1860, and the Remington Models of 1858 and 1863. After the expiration of the Rollin White Patent ( Apr . 3, 1869 ), Colt 1851 ......
- concordat of 1851 Since the Concordat of 1851 it ranks as a central seminary with the faculty of conferring academic degrees. The Concordat of 1851 formally annexed Barbastro once more to Huesca, but preser......
- criminal procedure act 1851 Section 6 replaced section 4 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1851 ( 14 & 15 Vict c 100 ). He became a bencher of Lincoln's Inn He was the draftsman of the Criminal Procedure Act 1851 and the......
- crown lands act 1851 The Secretary of State has responsibility for the maintenance of the land and buildings making up the historic Royal Estate under the Crown Lands Act 1851.
- deaths in 1851 Turnbull remained active in the abolitionist movement until his death in 1851. It was home of Indiana University, until his death in 1851. He remained in Uruguay until his death in 1851. H......
- december 1851 coup It was outlawed following Napoleon III's 2 December 1851 coup, and disappeared on 31 December 1851. Lord Palmerston, who at the time of Louis Bonaparte's 2 December 1851 coup was serving a......