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  • 1883 ad    Enameled tiled work is freely used on these tombs, most of which are dated 1018 to 1301 AH ., that is between 1609 and 1883 AD . The principal grave is that of Mir Kasim one of the Sabzwar......
  • 1883 birthday honours    He became a partner in the firms of CMG in the 1883 Birthday Honours. In 1861 he was appointed CMG in 1871, in 1876, in the 1883 Birthday Honours. He was appointed a Knight Commander of th......
  • 1883 ce    Located on the Shalimar Road near the New Secretariat, and built by Maharaja Ranbir Singh in 1883 CE . It has one central lingam measuring 2.3 metres ( 7.5 feet ) in height and twelve Shiv......
  • 1883 corrupt practices act    He helped to draft the 1883 Corrupt Practices Act and distributed a guide to the Liberal Central Association.
  • 1883 english cricket season    The "'1883 English cricket season "'saw the first of four successive titles won by Notts, and the beginning of the " Great Revival " of Surrey, who had been among the weaker counties since......
  • 1883 eruption of krakatoa    The loudest noise in recorded history occurred during the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa and was heard away. The scientists of this group observed the transit of Venus and recorded waves produc......
  • 1883 fa cup final    Warburton was the captain of the Old Etonians in the 1883 FA Cup Final played at Kennington Oval on 31 March 1883.
  • 1883 home nations championship    When Treharne was reselected for Wales as part of the 1883 Home Nations Championship he was playing for Pontypridd. The "'1883 Home Nations Championship "'was the inaugural series of the r......
  • 1883 in australia    The Hardie company has been working with cement since it started in 1883 in Australia.
  • 1883 in france    It was founded in 1883 in France, by Samuel J . LeFrak's grandfather, Maurice.
  • 1883 in germany    For whatever it's worth ( possibly nothing ), has also popped up and made a singular revert at 1883 in Germany.
  • 1883 in poetry    On 9 June 1883 the fifth and last tome of " La L間ende des Si鑓les " was published with the subtitle " s閞ie compl閙entaire " ( see 1883 in poetry ).
  • 1883 in portugal    Others include the Philadelphia-based Gazela, the oldest wooden square-rigger in active service, built in 1883 in Portugal; Amistad, a recreation of a famed 19th-century slave ship; and Br......
  • 1883 in russia    The Weinsteins married in 1883 in Russia and had four children, two of whom died young.
  • 1883 in the united states    The Thomson-Houston Electric Company was formed in 1883 in the United States when a group of Lynn, Massachusetts investors led by Charles A . Coffin bought out Elihu Thomson and Edwin Hous......
  • 1883 kentucky derby    The "'1883 Kentucky Derby "'was the 9th running of the Kentucky Derby. Winning the 1883 Kentucky Derby ( run that year on May 23 ) was an accomplishment, but it did not hold the cach?it do......
  • 1883 krakatoa eruption    Many such false fire alarms were reported worldwide after the 1883 Krakatoa eruption in Indonesia. Tsunami deposits of the same age have been found on the central New Zealand coast, eviden......
  • 1883 louisville eclipse season    The "'1883 Louisville Eclipse season "'was a season in American baseball.
  • 1883 new york gothams season    The "'1883 New York Gothams season "'was the franchise's first season.
  • 1883 open championship    The "'1883 Open Championship "'was the 23rd Open Championship, held 16 November at the Musselburgh Links, Musselburgh, East Lothian, Scotland.
  • 1883 rochester tornado    The "'Dr . William W . Mayo House "', located at 118 North Main Street in Saint Marys Hospital which opened in 1889 following the 1883 Rochester tornado.
  • 1883年    出生于1883年,光緒九年(癸未)。 1867年選入法國科學院,1883年任院長。 光緒九年(1883年),為阿克蘇道。 成立于1883年,是英格蘭傳統勁旅。 1883年莫奈定居吉維尼,直到逝世。 1883年,韓家窩教徒集資修建教堂。 孫書農,貴州貴陽人,1883年生。 1883年就讀于倫敦大學,學習法律。 1883年2月,偉烈亞力雙目徹底失明。 建于道光二十三年(公元18......
  • births in 1883    Funny, unsparing, sharp yet fundamentally good-spirited, the two books carry him from his birth in 1883 to his departure from school at the age of 16. A list, ordered by date of birth ( an......
  • cheap trains act 1883    The Cheap Trains Act 1883 resulted in the provision of workmen's trains at special low fares at certain times of the day.
  • civil service act of 1883    He drafted the Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883, and later became a member of the new commission established by it.

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