- 193 ad The Severan dynasty was created out of the chaos of 193 AD. Under Septimius Severus ( 193 AD ), Numidia was separated from procurator. Leptis achieved its greatest prominence beginning in ......
- 193 bc Since 193 BC, the Lusitanians had been fighting the Romans. In November 193 BC, Baebius was elected praetor for the following year. In 193 BC, the chancellor Xiao He died and was succeeded......
- 193 bce Plautus also tells us ( " Curculio ", IV 482 ) that around 193 BCE, this was the spot for male prostitution in Rome. Roman general Marcus Fulvius Nobilior fought a battle near the city in ......
- 193 ce Under the Romans the region was made in 193 CE part of the province of Coele Syria or Magna Syria, which was ruled from Antioch. In 70 CE, King Ying was implicated in rebellion and sentenc......
- 193 grove road Before demolition, local artist Rachel Whiteread made a cast of the inside of 193 Grove Road. Sid Gale, the last residential occupier of 193 Grove Road, opposed its demolition, and continu......
- 193 sow In 1992, the 193 SOW received its first EC-130E upgraded to Commando Solo II configuration. In 2004, the 193 SOW received newer EC-130J aircraft . These were quickly redeployed to the Midd......
- 193 squadron In August he became a test pilot on Typhoons at Gloster Aircraft, until February 1943 when he returned to operations with No . 193 Squadron. RAF Pilot Allan Wyse of No . 193 Squadron recal......
- 193年 公元前193年,屬漢惠帝統治時期。 193年攻打另一方,后直取公孫瓚。 1.最早的大旱發生于公元前193年。 193年肄業于上海大同大學土木系。 193年3月28日他被叛亂的士兵殺死。 出版;195年至193年在陜北瓦窯堡出版。 趙世堅193年后專事旅行和寫作。 193年12月赴蘇聯治病,發生周折。 惠帝二年(前193年)為漢丞相。 惠帝劉盈二年(前193年)去世。 獻帝初......
- ad 193 In AD 193, the province was divided into Syria proper ( Syria Coele ) and Syria Phoenice. The fort can be precisely dated to AD 193, at the beginning of the reign of Septimius Severus. The......
- bwv 193 There has been speculation that the fifth movement, a duet ( not found in Cantata BWV 193 ) between Providentia and Fama, may have influenced the duet " Gloria " in Bach's Mass in B Minor.......
- deaths in 193 This conforms with the timeline provided by the chronicler Al-Udri, who reports that Amrus held Zaragoza for 40 days short of ten years, placing his death in 198 ( 813 / 4 ), but al-Udri i......
- dfs 193 The "'DFS 193 "'was a planned experimental German aircraft of the 1930s planned by Deutsche Forschungsanstalt f黵 Segelflug ( DFS ).
- federal highway 193 Federal Highway 193 serves as a connector between Mexican Federal Highway 190 and Mexican Federal Highway 200 in southwest Chiapas.
- federal route 193 The two-lane highway bypassed the former section between Slim River to Tanjung Malim, which would later being downgraded to Perak State Route A121 and Federal Route 193 "' Behrang Tanjung......
- flight 193 On May 28, US Airways Flight 193 was headed west from Frankfurt carrying a young Greek woman seriously disinclined to behave like a lady. National Airlines Flight 193, a Boeing 727, crashe......
- highway 193 Connecticut Avenue used to end at University Boulevard ( Maryland State Highway 193 ). The town is accessible via US Route 87 ( cosigned with Wyoming Highway 193 ). Federal Highway 193 ser......
- house at 193 vernon street The "'House at 193 Vernon Street "'in Wakefield, Massachusetts is a late Federal-style house, built . c . 1840.
- interstate 193 Before the portion of the Everett Turnpike that completed the I-293 loop was accepted into the Interstate Highway System, the east & ndash; west freeway between I-93 and the Turnpike was d......
- jordan 193 The "'Jordan 193 "'was a Formula One car, raced by the Jordan Grand Prix team in the 1993 Formula One season. The net result was that the Jordan 193 was usually over 3 seconds per lap slow......
- london buses route 193 The site is served by London Buses routes 193, 252 and is the terminus of route 256.
- maryland route 193 "' Ledo Pizza "'is a Adelphi, Maryland, in 1955 on University Boulevard ( Maryland Route 193 ) in Adelphi Shopping Center near the University of Maryland, College Park ( ). The Internation......
- maryland state highway 193 Connecticut Avenue used to end at University Boulevard ( Maryland State Highway 193 ).
- md 193 MD 201's diamond interchange with MD 193 was built in 1988. MD 193 was expanded to six lanes between Kensington and Langley Park beginning in 1972. As the road turns northeast, the state h......
- minuscule 193 "' Minuscule 193 "'( in the Palaeographically it has been assigned to the 12th or 13th century.
- national airlines flight 193 National Airlines Flight 193, a Boeing 727, crashed into Escambia Bay during a descent into Pensacola Regional Airport on May 8, 1978. *1978 National Airlines Flight 193, a Boeing 727, l......