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  • 319 ad    In 319 AD, Shi Le, the founder of the Later Zhao Kingdom, captured Ji from Duan Pidi, a Xianbei chieftain nominally loyal to the Jin Dynasty.
  • 319 bc    King Hui of Wei ( 370 319 BC ) set about restoring the state. Antipater died of old age in 319 BC, at the age of eighty. From an inscription dated from late 319 BC, reveals honors that Al......
  • 319 ce    Georg B黨ler concluded that the Gupta era was started by Chandragupta I in 318-319 CE, to mark his coronation. According to these scholars, the calendar era used in the Valkha inscriptions ......
  • 319 dark street    The website of " 319 Dark Street " has since become unavailable, but the entire strip appears to be available on Facebook.
  • 319 sos    An astounding 75 percent of the fatalities _ 236 of 319 so far _ have been children, most under age 3.
  • 319年    公元319年,羯族石勒自稱趙王。 襄國(今邢臺),319年后趙石勒都此。 公元前319年,魏國把張儀逐回到秦國。 公元319年,元帝渡江,始議立郊祀儀。 光初二年(公元319年)稱王建立后趙。 (319年-360年),字宣英,小字賀賴拔。 去世后即位,至公元前319年,在位37年。 公元319?333年在位,319年稱趙王。 公元319年稱趙王,史稱后趙。 公元319年在晉......
  • 319槍擊案    連戰最終落選,因為319槍擊案影響選情。 2004年應邀擔任319槍擊案真相調查委員會委員。 2004年4月因為319槍擊案負責而辭去“內政部長”一職。 ●影片最后,一定有記者問:“請問319槍擊案到底是真的假的啊? “319槍擊案”由于時值敏感時期,震驚島內外,并被疑為政治陰謀。 石臺平(M71)曾任刑事局法醫室主任,曾獲邀參與319槍擊案的鑒識工作。 2004年3月19......
  • 319槍擊事件    2004年,陳水扁又因319槍擊事件,以些微差距擊敗連宋,再次獲得連任。
  • 319國道    有公路東北至寧都對坊接319國道。 東接319國道、1845省道,西濱臨沅江。 319國道穿境而過,梅江流經境內。 鄉內一條主干公路南連319國道。 有公路北接320國道,西接319國道。 從長常高速公路和319國道均可到達。 319國道、渝湘高速公路從境內通過。 有公路西接319國道,北接320國道。 在319國道旁建有11家竹木加工廠。 319國道橫穿南北,賓黃公路接3......
  • ad 319    It has been suggested that he had a son, Lucius Valerius Maximus Basilius, who was Praefectus Urbi of Rome in AD 319. Apart from the historians, Iberia's conversion is of greater interest ......
  • airbus 319    That forced the US Airways Airbus 319 to halt its takeoff, Salac said. The Airbus 319's 69 passengers and five crew members evacuated using slides, United spokeswoman Jenna Obluk said. His......
  • bmw 319    The BMW 319 / 1 was a 1.9-litre version of the 315 / 1 introduced alongside the 319 in 1935. The "'BMW 303 "'was a platform developed for the 303 was used for several other BMW cars, inclu......
  • british rail class 319    Farringdon station under British Rail with a Network SouthEast livery British Rail Class 319 on a Thameslink service . ]] In 2008 First Capital Connect opened a'Driver Training Academy'at ......
  • china national highway 319    The bridge carries four lanes of the China National Highway 319 and is long including a main span of.
  • class 319    The refurbished Class 319 entered service in May 2015 between Liverpool and Manchester. The line uses Class 319 electric EMU units. The Liverpool to Wigan service is now operated by 4-Car ......
  • georgia state route 319    Near a liquor store and former gas station now utilized as a fruit stand, US 129 BUS / SR ALT 15 / SR 82 crosses the Arcade-Jefferson City line and the first intersection within the city i......
  • highway 319    The bridge carries four lanes of the China National Highway 319 and is long including a main span of. It is 17 km by road north of the city of Bhabua, at the intersection of National Highw......
  • loop 319    At that time the former route of US 80 through town became designated as "'Texas State Highway Loop 319 "'until the current Interstate business route was established in 1990.
  • md 319    MD 315 follows what were sections of MD 319, MD 313, and MD 318, which were constructed between the late 1910s and mid-1920s.
  • national highway 319    The bridge carries four lanes of the China National Highway 319 and is long including a main span of. It is 17 km by road north of the city of Bhabua, at the intersection of National Highw......
  • national route 319    The town and site may be reached by following National Route 319 west from Xinluo ( 癳W : S ), the Longyan municipal centre. "' National Route 319 "'is a national highway of Japan connecti......
  • new york state route 319    New York State Route 319, New York State Route 324, New York State Route 318 and New York State Route 323 all recently passed their good article nominations.
  • ny 319    The Preston Norwich state highway was designated as NY 319 as part of the 1930 renumbering of state highways in New York. In the center of the historic district, NY 319 reached its easter......
  • pa 319    PA 857 was assigned to its current Fayette County location on the former PA 319 ( 1936-1946 ) in 1967.
  • renfe class 319    The "'RENFE Class 319 "'is a series of mainline diesel engined locomotives utilising EMD engines built for Spanish state railway company RENFE between the 1960s and 1990s.

如何319造句用319造句319 in a sentence和319的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。