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  • 466 sqn    466 Sqn converted to the Handley Page Halifax heavy bomber in late 1943. 466 Sqn flew 3, 326 sorties against 269 different targets, dropping 8, 804 tons of bombs and laying 442 tons of min......
  • 466 ad    By the time of his death in 466 AD, the monastery had 2, 200 monks and 1, 800 nuns, who lived over an area about 3, 000 times its original size. A raised-relief map made of wood representi......
  • 466 bc    Syracuse remained dominant in Sicilian affairs until 466 BC while Carthage stayed away for the next 70 years. In either 469 or 466 BC, the Persians began assembling a large army and navy f......
  • 466 bce    The Selinuntines are next mentioned in 466 BCE, co-operating with the other cities of Sicily to help the Athenian expedition in 416 BCE as a powerful and wealthy city, possessing great res......
  • 466 ce    In 453 or 466 CE that the Vallabhi council of the Svetambara Jain monks recompiled the Agamas and recorded them as written manuscripts under the leadership of Acharya Shraman Devardhigani ......
  • 466 sqn    466 Sqn converted to the Handley Page Halifax heavy bomber in late 1943. 466 Sqn flew 3, 326 sorties against 269 different targets, dropping 8, 804 tons of bombs and laying 442 tons of min......
  • 466 tisiphone    In 2006 Fornasier " et al . " published polarimetric data for a number of asteroids, including 466 Tisiphone. In 1992 a simple check of 466 Tisiphone's position was made by the Association......
  • 466醫院    神經外科為北京466醫院重點學科。 醫療系,同年特招入伍到466醫院。 醫學碩士、原空軍466醫院副主任醫師。 結業于北空466醫院化訓班。 2 9日中午,馮強被轉到空軍4 66醫院。 下圖為解放軍4 66醫院專家組為孫耀佳治療。 據說,466醫院把黃偉城從464醫院“挖”過來頗費周折。 在466醫院住院,1977年12月31日突發腦梗塞昏迷,1978年1月3日病逝。 目前......
  • 466年    466年(明帝泰始二年)復置,屬魯郡。 泰始二年(466年),地入北魏,廢縣。 魯悼公元年(公元前466年)曾參四十歲。 此愧至今約已生存了466年。 泰始二年(466年),淮北地區漸入北魏。 466年占領彭城,467年征服淮河流域,469年占領山東。 〕(生于466年? .泰始二年(466年)十月,徐州沛郡及相縣入北魏。 元年(466年)。 泰始二年(466年)九月,2個......
  • class 466    The popular Class 466 EMUs use Dynamic blended braking . ]] This services are formed of Class 465 and Class 466 Networkers working in multiple. There are a total of 43 Class 466 EMUs on th......
  • deaths in 466    By the time of his death in 466 AD, the monastery had 2, 200 monks and 1, 800 nuns, who lived over an area about 3, 000 times its original size.
  • dt 466    Their DT 466 engine started in 1974 and was very successful. The engine in Tundra Buggies is an International DT 466, often found in highway semi-trailers. For the powertrain, Internationa......
  • farm to market road 466    "' Farm to Market Road 466 "', or "'FM 466 "', is a farm to market road, a state maintained road which serves to connect agricultural areas to market towns, in the U . S . state of Texas.
  • fm 466    "' FM 466 "'is a farm to market road running from Gonzales counties in central Texas. At Cost, less than a mile after FM 466 meets SH 97, a memorial marks the location of a skirmish betwee......
  • marine heavy helicopter squadron 466    "' Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 466 "'( HMH-466 ) is a United States Marine Corps helicopter squadron consisting of CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopters.
  • route 466    This portion of SR 58 was once signed as the U . S . Route 466. The sheer velocity of the impact sent the much-heavier Ford broad-sliding down Route 466 in the westbound lane. The state si......
  • united nations security council resolution 466    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 466 "', adopted unanimously on 11 April 1980, after hearing representations from Zambia and recalling 455 ( 1979 }, the Council condemned the ......
  • us 466    Fremont Street formerly carried several national highways, including US 466. Between Famoso and US 101 at Paso Robles, US 466 largely became SR 46. Fremont Street dates back to 1905, when ......
  • 前466年    魯悼公元年(公元前466年)曾參四十歲。 240年也可能自公元前466年來,它每次通過太陽時都被觀測到了。 諾斯,但是最擅長寫此詩體的則是西摩尼德斯(前556~前466年)。 鼓堆泉亦稱鼓水泉,形成于公元前466年晉南發生的一次大地震。 公元前466年,敘拉古建立民主制,需要有訴訟能力的人運用法律。 公元前466年后,伯里克利追隨埃菲阿爾特斯,成為雅典民主派的代表。 歷史記......
  • 北京466醫院    神經外科為北京466醫院重點學科。 目前就職于北京466醫院耳鼻喉科中心,擔任主任醫師職位。 心胸血管外科為北京466醫院重點學科,二級分科為胸外科和心血管外科。 北京466醫院堅持以病人為中心,把滿足群眾基本醫療服務的需要作為出發點和落腳點,努力讓人民群眾用較低的費用,享受到優質的醫療服務。 自1995年以來,北京466醫院耳鼻喉科重點科室建設進入跨越期,遵循“追求卓越、......
  • 北京空軍466醫院    北京空軍466醫院(又名空軍航空醫學研究所附屬醫院)是一家專業的綜合性醫療機構,成立于1951年,北京空軍466醫院經歷了50年代起家創業、60年代正規化建設、70年代撥亂反正、80年代改革開放和90年代的現代化建設5個歷史時期。 近些年來,北京空軍466醫院各黨支部在空軍基地黨委的領導下,緊密圍繞醫院的中心工作和根本任務,認真貫徹黨的政策主張,在加強醫院精神......

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