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  • 528上網導航    528上網導航(上網導航)創建于2009年,其宗旨是方便廣大網友們快速找到自已想要登陸的網站,而不用去記太多復雜的網址。 到目前為止,528上網導航已經走過了快1個春秋,通過不斷努力的搜集,現在的528上網導航提供了更多精彩網站網址,多種搜索引擎入口、實用查詢、天氣預報、城市生活導航等。
  • 528 ad    "' Laodicea "'was a Eastern Roman province of Theodorias from 528 AD until 637 AD. Yasodharman and the Gupta Emperor Narasimhagupta defeated a " Huna " army and their ruler Mihirakula in 5......
  • 528 bc    There are some similarities in " The Song of the Yue boatman " ( ) from 528 BC during Han dynasty. Mahavira attained Nirvana ( salvation ) in Pawapuri in 528 BC . The temple has been built......
  • 528 ce    The Gashnaspians ruled the region until 528 CE, when, after a long period of fighting, the Sasanian King Kavadh I defeated the last Gashnaspian king. Mazdak ( d . 524 / 528 CE ) was a prot......
  • 528 rezia    In 1907, August Kopff's November 1 sighting of the provisionally titled 1907 AQ was instead determined to be 528 Rezia.
  • 528劇場    528劇場占地面積為528平方米,劇場因此而得名。 在北京現代音樂學院的528劇場為觀眾們帶來了一場精彩的大師講座。 我國著名音響師宋多多在北京現代音樂學院的528劇場為觀眾們帶來一場精彩的大師講座。 4月22日15:00,“感動中國”??吳純鋼琴演奏大型公益巡演活動啟動儀式在我院528劇場舉行。 北京奧運會開幕式主題歌《我和你》首唱、因唱作俱佳被譽為“音樂怪才”的歌壇新人......
  • 528年    ~前528年),曹武公,一名勝。 在位起訖:公元前528年-公元前516年。 ~528年),源懷之子;河南洛陽人。 ?前528年):春秋末楚國令尹。 嘉靖七年門528年),建立上谷書院。 528年,帝召爾朱榮兵,以威脅太后。 建義初(528年)為易陽郡治。 528年,北印度各王公的聯軍打敗啞噠人。 在位時間從公元前555~前528年為期二十七年。 在公元前528年左右去世。......
  • ad 528    Based on the 1889 novel " A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court " by Mark Twain, the film is about a mechanic in 1912 who bumps his head and finds himself in Arthurian Britain in AD ......
  • aeroflot flight 528    "' Aeroflot Flight 528 "'was a regular commercial flight from Berdyansk that crashed while attempting to land in difficult weather conditions.
  • bwv 528    Bach used the music of this movement later in his organ trio, BWV 528. Some individual movements were associated with other organ works of Bach : the earlier version of the slow movement o......
  • county route 528    Past the Route 37 interchange, Route 35 continues north along Barnegat Bay, curving eastward and crossing into County Route 528 ( Herbert Street ) less than a mile later.
  • cr 528    The road crosses CR 528 Truck and passes through woods before heading into open farmland. After this intersection, the road continues north and passes through CR 537, where CR 528 Truck tu......
  • deaths in 528    After Emperor Xiaoming's death in 528, she became a nun, but it is unclear whether she was a Buddhist or a Taoist nun.
  • dornier 528    Further derivatives of the 328 included the shortened " Dornier 528 ", the further stretched Dornier 928JET . In addition to typical passenger models, business jet configurations of both t......
  • farm to market road 528    The station first signed on the air in the spring of 1988, broadcasting on UHF channel 48 from a transmitter located east of Farm to Market Road 528 south of Friendswood.
  • florida state road 528    Right next to the mall stretches the Florida State Road 528 which has an exit at the Orange Blossom Trail ( exit 4 ).
  • fm 528    The road runs from State Highway 35, which FM 528 also intersects ). This incarnation of the business was located off of FM 528 in an old grocery store that was turned into a candy-striped......
  • highway 528    Like other provincial routes in Ontario, Highway 528 is maintained by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. The borders of the municipality are composed of Highway 528 ) and the commu......
  • maryland 528    The building is located on Maryland 528 and Third Street, four blocks north of the end of U . S . 50.
  • maryland route 528    After turning north on 6th Street Northwest, it exits the city to the northeast on Atlantic Ocean shore at Baltimore Avenue ( Maryland Route 528 northbound ); its westbound beginning is on......
  • md 528    MD 528 was widened to four lanes along its entire length in 1953 and 1954. By 1991, MD 528 was divided highway from 25th Street to the Delaware state line. MD 378 was assigned to Baltimore......
  • new mexico state road 528    After leaving Corrales, it intersects with New Mexico State Road 528 again.
  • nm 528    Through Rio Rancho, NM 528, known as Pat D'Arco Highway, is a major north & ndash; south street. A Rio Metro commuter bus route provides service to and from the Cuba NM area, with a Park a......
  • on 528    The NBC poll includes the views of 405 adults and the ABC poll is based on 528 adults. An aerospace trade-show consultant, hehas flown the Air France Concorde on 528 round trips, which he ......
  • or 528    The 1900D cruises at about 285 knots ( 328 mph or 528 km / h ) true airspeed. In Keitai's later years, 527 or 528, the Iwai Rebellion broke out in Tsukushi province, Kykshk. OR 528 is al......

如何528造句用528造句528 in a sentence和528的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。