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"591"是什麼意思  591の例文  


  • 1004 01 : 28 : 50, 591-01 : 28 : 54, 357
  • In march, the number of notifications of tuberculosis was 591
  • Used service centre 591 times
  • All 591 news articles
  • Instructions for use for in-vitro-diagnostic instruments for professional use; german version en 591 : 2001
  • Yuen long landmark at 123 castle peak road is in the heart of yuen long . it has 70, 591 sq . ft
  • Add : lianjiang guantou investment zone, fuzhou zip : 350501 tel : 0086-591-26272228 fax : 0086-591-26272008 e-mail
  • Add : lianjiang guantou investment zone, fuzhou zip : 350501 tel : 0086-591-26272228 fax : 0086-591-26272008 e-mail
  • Iso 59 titanium dioxide pigments for paints-part 1 : specifications and methods of test iso 591-1 : 2000; german version en iso 591-1 : 2000
  • Iso 59 titanium dioxide pigments for paints-part 1 : specifications and methods of test iso 591-1 : 2000; german version en iso 591-1 : 2000
  • It's difficult to see 591 in a sentence. 用591造句挺難的
  • The court also ordered to forfeit bribe monies ranging from 591, 000 to 1.2 million received by the defendants
  • Zhou hm, and liu yx ( 1997 ) : localization of tpa and pai-1 in rat testes . chinese science bulletin . 42 : 588-591
  • The floods have torn down 48, 000 houses and damaged 94, 000 houses in southern china, and forced about 591, 000 people to evacuate from their homes, the official said
  • This paper realizes the objects of the slave according to the devicenet specification, and emulates by tks-591 emulator . the results shown that the slave can communicate with the master as we have expected
  • Its members provide seed and early-stage capital . since 1997 our members have invested over $ 55 million in more than 85 southern california companies, together with $ 591 million from venture capital co-investors
  • Abstract : the 591 902 cases on the traffic accidents from 1996 to 1997 in china are analyzed and studied, the statistical regularity of the traffic accidents and relevant analytical conclusion are obtained
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  • There were 426 prosecutions in cases of non-compliance, with fines amounting to $ 691, 700 . prosecutions for obstructing the means of escape in buildings resulted in 155 convictions, with fines totalling $ 591, 600 . the licensing and control command sets fire services requirements for buildings to ensure proper protection for the public
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