- 642 ad The Pallavas under the king Narasimhavarman I seized it in 642 AD & destroyed the vatapi. But that was the last Roman achievement : in 642 AD Moslem Arabs started to conquer Libya. He aven......
- 642 bc In the third month of 642 BC, Prince Zhao returned with the army of Duke Xiang of Song. In 642 BC, the ruler of Liang wanted to build a new capital but it was seized by the State of Qin af......
- 642 bce During the long reign of Manasseh ( c . 687 / 686 643 / 642 BCE ), Judah was a vassal of Assyrian rulers Sennacherib and his successors, Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal after 669 BCE . Man......
- 642 ce Qaminis was known "'Chaminos "', before being conquered by Muslim forces in 642 CE. In 642 CE, Rashidun Arabs had conquered most of West Asia from the Sassanids and Byzantines, and from th......
- 642年 公元前643年十月~前642年三月在位。 。貞觀十六年(642年)縣境屬珍州。 642年(貞觀十六年)為西突厥所破。 舒明天皇過世后,于642年即位。 嚴格地說,從動工到竣工,為期642年。 至642年,經過頑強戰斗,征服了埃及。 元年(642年),改為建安郡。 威廉?亞布萊特認為是從前642年到前640年。 16 42年,奴隸買賣在法國合法化。 公元642年卒于霍姆斯,一......
- 642系統 還須注意的是,貝瑞德與耶格合作期間,他是非常贊同642這種運作模式的,因此在他成立了自己的系統之后,把貝瑞德系統直接稱為642系統。 這大概就是最早的模式化運作了,他把這種模式運作稱為642,這和后來在中國大陸比較有影響力的如新642系統并不是同一個概念,但他們之間有著很密切的聯系,下文將詳述他們之間的故事。
- ad 642 The chronicle begins with the creation of the world and ends in AD 642. The library may have finally been destroyed during the Muslim conquest of Egypt in ( or after ) AD 642. Referring to......
- bwv 642 The compositional structure for all four voices in BWV 642 is close to that of BWV 643. This chorale cantata is not to be confused with the chorale prelude of the same name, BWV 642. In th......
- china airlines flight 642 This is one of the three MD-11 accidents with passenger fatalities along with China Eastern Airlines Flight 583 and another hull loss of China Airlines Flight 642. *1999 China Airlines F......
- congressional resolution 642 "' Congressional Resolution 642 "'is a David Copperfield and is embodied by various magic organisations, including the Society of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Ma......
- deaths in 642 As described by Bede, after his death in 642, Oswald soon came to be regarded as a saint. "' Pope John IV "'(; died 12 October 642 ) reigned from 24 December 640 to his death in 642. The n......
- ferrari 642 "' Racing Car "'features various Group C race cars, including versions of the Jaguar 88C, as well as various Formula 1 cars including the Ferrari 642, Benetton Ford B191B, and Williams Ren......
- highway 642 It is located on Highway 642. Henday assumes the designation of Highway 2 for a stretch to Highway 642 west of Morinville, the main access for the town.
- la 642 1974 Garvey, 1b, LA 642 95 200 21 111.312 LA 642 is an undivided two-lane highway for its entire length. The route heads north from LA 44 at the east bank levee of the Mississippi River an......
- md 642 The approach to the defunct bridge became MD 642. MD 173 continues north into MD 642 ( Greenland Beach Road ), then expands to a four-lane road with center turn lane.
- pa 642 During the 1950s, PA 115 was rerouted from Red Rock to head west and replace PA 642 to Hughesville. This road became a rerouted PA 115, which continued west to Hughesville along the former......
- pennsylvania route 642 The creek eventually enters a much broader valley and flows away from Pennsylvania Route 642. Pennsylvania Route 54, Pennsylvania Route 642, and US Route 11 are in the watershed as well. I......
- route 642 The creek eventually enters a much broader valley and flows away from Pennsylvania Route 642. Pennsylvania Route 54, Pennsylvania Route 642, and US Route 11 are in the watershed as well. I......
- sc 642 In 1985, the freeway became SC 642 ).
- united nations security council resolution 642 "' United Nations Security Council resolution 642 "', adopted unanimously on 29 September 1989, after recalling resolutions 631 ( 1989 ) and having considered a report by the Secretary-Gen......
- year 642 Around the new year 642, Li Shiji engaged Dadu's army. Around the new year 642, Li Shiji dealt a major defeat to Dadu, who fled after heavy casualties. He avenged his father's defeat at th......
- 公元前642年 公元前642年,姜無虧亡。 公元前642年建立城堡。 公元前642年至公元前629年間,車氏遭到陷害慘遭滅門。 公元前642年在中國歷史上是東周時期(春秋戰國時期)。 公元前642年助齊國平定內亂,擁立齊孝公,襄公因此小有名氣。 公元前642年,宋襄公率諸侯軍討伐齊國,以護送太子昭回國為君。 周襄王十年(公元前642年)助齊國平定內亂,擁立齊孝公,襄公因此小有名氣。 周襄王......
- 前642年 公元前643年十月~前642年三月在位。 威廉?亞布萊特認為是從前642年到前640年。 公元前642年,姜無虧亡。 公元前642年建立城堡。 前642年至前633年在位。 公元前642年至公元前629年間,車氏遭到陷害慘遭滅門。 公元前642年在中國歷史上是東周時期(春秋戰國時期)。 公元前642年助齊國平定內亂,擁立齊孝公,襄公因此小有名氣。 公元前642年,宋襄公率諸......