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"676"是什麼意思  676の例文  


  • The number of new cases for males in 2003 was 676
  • 676 01 : 01 : 09, 799-01 : 01 : 11, 391
  • Visible picture diagonal line 676
  • Automatic forced draught burners for gaseous fuels; german version en 676 : 2003
  • Basement level, terminal 1 by the main elevators; tel : 676-2840
  • 484 00 : 45 : 19, 116-00 : 45 : 21, 676
  • The number of males who reported that they never or not currently used dental floss was 676
  • Departures level, terminal 3 in the public concourse beside security check-in; tel : 676-2840
  • P > 676 i " d like to introduce you to our company . is there anything in particular you " d like to know
  • Departures level, terminal 2 in the public concourse; full service medical centre; tel : 676-2840
  • It's difficult to see 676 in a sentence. 用676造句挺難的
  • E fire protection : hydrant 676 sets, fire pump 2852hp; address detector 5494 pieces; co2 nozzle 7324
  • The department operates 676 fire appliances and supporting vehicles fitted with up-to-date fire-fighting and rescue equipment
  • Hydrant 676 sets, fire pump 2852hp; address detector 5494 pieces; co2 nozzle 7324 pieces; sprinkler nozzle 16730 pieces
  • China now has 16, 676 universities catering to the needs of the total 1, 45 million students who believe they're never too old to learn
  • With u . s . trademark registration number 2, 347, 676, the " sad " emotion " :-) " gets the same trademark protection as a corporate logo or other similar intellectual property
  • As estate duty is payable on delivery of an estate duty affidavit or account or within 6 months from the date of the deceased s death, whichever is the earlier, 1, 676 million was received during the year in advance of the issue of formal assessments
  • The world's largest car maker had hoped to buy the plant to make a small car, but there has been a long battle over dues owed to customs officials and creditors that local media put at nearly 30 billion rupees 676 million
  • As at today, 15 airlines had submitted slot requests to operate 338 additional scheduled and ad-hoc charter flights ( i . e . a total of 676 flight movements ) from february 4 to february 20, with most applications falling on the period between february 9 ( lunar new year s day ) and february 13 ( the fifth day of the lunar new year ) . all requests received so far have been accepted
如何676造句用676造句676 in a sentence和676的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。