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  • 1978 lav hs 748 accident    The "'1978 LAV HS 748 accident "'occurred on 3 March 1978 when Hawker Siddeley HS 748 YV-45C, of Caracas-Maiquet韆 Airport ( CCS / SVMI ), Venezuela.
  • 748 ad    Bavarian law was committed to writing between the years 739 AD and 748 AD . Supplementary clauses, added afterwards, bear evidence of Frankish influence.
  • 748 air services    "' 748 Air Services "'is a charter airline operating in the passenger and cargo business. On 17 February 2014, a 748 Air Services Hawker Siddeley HS 748 performing a humanitarian cargo fli......
  • 748 bc    The Babylonian king Nabonassar overthrew the Chaldean usurpers in 748 BC, and successfully stabilised Babylonia, remaining untroubled by Ashur-nirari V of Assyria. A native Babylonian king......
  • 748 ce    Meeting little success, he moved on to Saveh just before the pursuers reached Ray-but during his short stay in the city he had become ill, and he died in the autumn of 131 H ( 748 CE ) soo......
  • 748年    巴伐利亞的法律撰寫于739至748年之間。 天寶七年(748年)魏縣省入昌樂縣。 748年皮邏閣死,閣羅鳳繼位,襲封。 始建立唐天寶七年(748年)。 因而出現了天平(729-748年)文化的高潮。 七年(748年),永穆公主奏請出家為道士。 公元748年,皮羅閣病死。 七年(748年)屬臨汝郡。 天寶七年,戊子(公元748年),四十八歲。 天寶七年,戊子(公元748年),......
  • am 748 i 4to    It is preserved in the Codex Regius manuscript and the AM 748 I 4to fragment. This verse of Gr韒nism醠 is preserved in two medieval manuscripts, Codex Regius ( R ) and AM 748 I 4to ( A ).
  • avro 748    This was the first Avro 748 / HS 748 to be written off in an accident. Early examples of these designs include the Fokker F27 Friendship, Avro 748, and Handley Page Dart Herald. This was t......
  • bae 748    This unit leases the BAe 146 / Avro RJ family, BAe ATP, Jetstream and BAe 748. On September 15, 1988, a Bradley Air Services ( now First Air ) BAe 748 crashed on approach to runway 25, kil......
  • british aerospace 748    The captain of the chartered two-engine British Aerospace 748 aircraft aborted the takeoff after the right engine caught fire. The former England international defender praised the captain......
  • deaths in 748    He was defeated near Augsburg in 743 but continued to rule until his death in 748. After his death in 748, Grifo, a younger son of Charles Martel and half-brother of Odilo's widow Hiltrud,......
  • ducati 748    The "'Ducati 748 "'was a Ducati sport bike made in various models from 1994 to 2002. Guareschi joined the Ducati factory racing team in 2001, competing aboard a Ducati 748 in the Superspor......
  • hawker siddeley 748    The airline also hold an Air Operators Certificate No . 2318 to operate the Hawker Siddeley 748. The plane used on the route is a British-made Hawker Siddeley 748, a twin-engined turboprop......
  • hawker siddeley hs 748    These will be the replacement for an ageing fleet of 55 Hawker Siddeley HS 748. In 1976 the DC-3 was sold and replaced with a Hawker Siddeley HS 748. In 1985 the squadron received new airc......
  • hs 748    These will be the replacement for an ageing fleet of 55 Hawker Siddeley HS 748. In 1976 the DC-3 was sold and replaced with a Hawker Siddeley HS 748. In 1985 the squadron received new airc......
  • united nations security council resolution 748    Another drawback hit the carrier following the United Nations Security Council Resolution 748, adopted as a consequence of the Libyan government allegedly having supported the terrorists r......
  • year 748    Emperor Xuanzong, in response, around the new year 748, summoned Fumeng back to the capital Chang'an and promoted Gao to take over his position. This touched him to create the Talamasca in......
  • 前748年    《史記.十二諸侯年表》“〔宋武公〕十八年,生魯桓公母”,此年為前748年。 戴公傳子宋武公司空(前765年-前748年)其子孫遂以謚號“戴”為氏,是為河南戴氏。 戴公傳子宋武公司空(公元前765年-公元前748年)其子孫遂以謚號“戴”為氏,是為河南戴氏。 戴公傳位于兒子宋武公司空(前765?前748年在位),其支子公子文為宋國大夫,他的兒子便以祖父的謚號“戴”為氏,如春秋時......

如何748造句用748造句748 in a sentence和748的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。