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"860s"是什麼意思  860sの例文  


  • The historian had died by the mid-860s.
  • Svatopluk seems to have risen to power in Great Moravia in the early 860s.
  • The deposed patriarch survived into the 860s.
  • The First Christianization of the Rus'was reported by Patriarch Photius in the 860s.
  • In the 860s, instead of raids, the Danes mounted a full-scale invasion.
  • The work was probably carried out beginning in the early 860s and completed around 866 67.
  • Until the 860s, the Byzantines had generally been on the defensive against superior Muslim armies.
  • The emerging power of Moravia brought about a rapprochement between Bulgaria and East Francia in the 860s.
  • These coins supply evidence for the argument that Quentovic had an economic resurgence in the 860s and the 870s.
  • Rorik had apparently been granted control over Dorestad twice and well before his conversion to Christianity in the early 860s.
  • It's difficult to see 860s in a sentence. 用860s造句挺難的
  • It lasted continuously under a succession of bishops until the Danish Great Heathen Army invaded East Anglia in the 860s.
  • The First Novgorod Chronicle describes unrest in Novgorod before Rurik was invited to come rule the region in the 860s.
  • Slavonic sources do not mention either the Christianization of the Rus in the 860s nor the Paphlagonian expedition of the 830s.
  • Twice more in the 860s Vikings rowed to Paris, leaving only when they acquired sufficient loot or bribes from the Carolingian rulers.
  • In the late 860s, a Viking invasion force known to the English as the " Great Heathen Army " conquered eastern England.
  • According to him, the Christianized Varangians were expelled from the country during the anti-Varangian movement of the 860s or 870s.
  • Soon after this in the 860s the younger brothers start a rebellion against Mutimir after he had given them less and less power.
  • The raiding continued on and off until the 860s, when instead of raiding the Viking changed their tactics and sent a great army to invade England.
  • Manuscript production in England dropped off precipitously around the 860s when the Viking invasions began in earnest, not to be revived until the end of the century.
  • Half a century later, Grigor Mamikonian lost Bagrevand to the Muslims, reconquered it in the early 860s and then lost it to the Bagratids for good.
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