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  • 877 ad    In the autumn of 877 AD Alfred the Great blockaded the city of Exeter in order to capture the band of pagans there; some of the pagans fled by sea and were pursued by king's ships to Swanw......
  • 877 bc    William F . Albright has dated his reign to 877 BC-876 BC, while E . R . Thiele offers the dates 886 BC-885 BC.
  • 877年    咸通五年(877年)重建,后又毀。 877年任貳部少輔,并為文章博士。 在位起訖:公元前886年-公元前877年。 877年禿頭查理死后,他回到英格蘭。 (約877年~945年)古羅斯王公。 第二代皇帝,877年至897年在位。 羅鄴,(約877年前后在世),余杭人。 877年,世隆去世,隆舜即位。 877年(元慶元年)1月15日、遷任式部少輔。 佛光寺文殊殿前現存石經幢,......
  • ad 877    It is cited in an Act of Charles the Bald ( about AD 877 ). In AD 877, king Causant韓 mac Cin醗da ( Constantine I or II ) built a new church for the Culdees at St Andrews and later the same ......
  • area code 877    Already reserved for that day are area codes 877, 866, 855, 844, 833 and 822.
  • deaths in 877    Following Musawir's death in 877, he was eventually succeeded by Harun ibn'Abdallah al-Bajali, who remained in command until the end of the rebellion. During his tenure, the Caliph retaine......
  • drg class svt 877    The Schienenzeppelin led to the construction of the diesel-electric DRG Class SVT 877 " Flying Hamburger ".
  • minuscule 877    "' Minuscule 877 "'( in the minuscule manuscript of the New Testament on parchment.
  • project 877    The " Sindhughosh " submarines, designated 877EKM, were designed as part of " Project 877 ", and built under a contract between Rosvooruzhenie and the Ministry of Defence ( India ).
  • year 877    This year 877, 000 children participate, and the program has a budget of $ 5.3 billion.
  • 前877年    在位起訖:公元前886年-公元前877年。 -公元前877年。 費毅榮認為是從前885年到前884年;威廉?亞布萊特認為是從前877年到前876年。 生年不詳,公元前877年即位,卒于公元前841年,在位37年,葬彘(今山西省霍縣)。 周厲王(公元前877年一公元前784年),周室日漸衰敗,這時崛起于江漢平原的楚國,滅掉鄰近的姬姓各國,又向中原發展。 楚熊渠十年(甲申,公元......

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