a chance to love造句
- Nathan asks Katerina to give him a chance to love her.
- It is also known as " A Chance to Love"
- And I had a chance to love people.
- At the national final, held on February 27, 2008, Chrispa performed " A Chance to Love " first out of the three participants.
- She is forced to choose between, Blind Seer her wolf pack mate and the mysterious man-god-ghost-thing who offers her a chance to love as a human.
- It is also a chance to love my parents, which, as I get older, seems more and more important . ( Perhaps some maturation is going on, after all, which is only fitting; I may wear a backpack, but I have a thinning hairline like an elderly person .)
- It's difficult to find a chance to love in a sentence. 用a chance to love造句挺難的
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