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aaron kearney造句

aaron kearneyの例文  


  • The other bad news was one of the Australian film crew members, Aaron Kearney, had to leave because his younger sister in Newcastle was very ill.
  • "' Aaron Kearney "'( 3 July 1971 ) is a multi-award winning broadcaster, journalist and sports commentator with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the 44th MEAA Prodi Journalist of the Year.
  • The judges said : " Aaron Kearney is a deserving winner of this award : he has demonstrated considerable talent, extending across media with apparent fearlessness and aptitude . [ He ] writes with style and verve, shares an intrinsic sense of sentiment and nuance, and challenges modern ideology ."
  • It's difficult to find aaron kearney in a sentence. 用aaron kearney造句挺難的
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