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"abaya"是什麼意思  abayaの例文  


  • Ammar gave me his business card . " ammar stores - exporter , " it said . " abaya factory , oriental gifts , leather goods , all kinds of ladies ' wear .
  • A reuters photographer saw him in a popular shopping mall inthecentre of the capital manama all in black , with sunglasses , gloves , a veil covering his face and dressed in an abaya , orfull - lengthrobe - but with mens shoes peeping out below
  • A reuters photographer saw him in a popular shopping mall in the centre of the capital manama all in black , with sunglasses , gloves , a veil covering his face and dressed in an abaya , or full - length robe - but with men ' s shoes peeping out below
  • It's difficult to find abaya in a sentence. 用abaya造句挺難的
如何abaya造句用abaya造句abaya in a sentence和abaya的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。