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"abbottabad"是什麼意思  abbottabadの例文  


  • Umar Patek was finally arrested in Abbottabad Pakistan in early 2011.
  • They moved to Abbottabad after partition of India in 1947 ..
  • He is a former Provincial Minister and District Nazim of Abbottabad.
  • The station is approximately thirty minutes drive south from Abbottabad city centre.
  • It is 138 km from Rawalpindi and about 76 km from Abbottabad.
  • She was sent to live in Abbottabad with her grandmother.
  • In June 2005, Bin Laden and his family moved to Abbottabad.
  • It is located northeast of the city center of Abbottabad.
  • The flight from Jalalabad to Abbottabad took about 90 minutes.
  • One branch is located in Abbottabad and one in Islamabad.
  • It's difficult to see abbottabad in a sentence. 用abbottabad造句挺難的
  • Meanwhile, the escape truck has gone on a highway to Abbottabad.
  • The administrative division is some north of Islamabad and south of Abbottabad.
  • Apart from a few matches played by Abbottabad in 2005-06.
  • He also served as President of District Bar Association Abbottabad three times.
  • It is approximately from Rawalpindi and Islamabad and about from Abbottabad city.
  • The injured were taken to a hospital in Abbottabad.
  • Abbottabad is popular not just with visitors but with those looking to relocate.
  • He also worked as an instructor at the Pakistan Military Academy in Abbottabad.
  • It is situated north of the city of Abbottabad in Himalayas, Pakistan.
  • His death in Abbottabad dishonored no one but himself.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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