- The abduction has rearranged Union in a way few things could.
- He has yet to induce a full sensation of alien abduction.
- The legal repercussions of an abduction can be just as staggering.
- Until Tuesday night, NATO had not acknowledged the abduction reports.
- What about all these memories of alien abductions and past lives?
- He also became interested in poltergeists and the UFO abduction phenomenon.
- Abductions have surged for a variety of reasons, experts said.
- Accounts of alien abductions have become as stylized as Kabuki drama.
- About 99 percent of abduction reports are bogus, he said.
- Our focus is entirely on the abduction of those two girls,
- It's difficult to see abduction in a sentence. 用abduction造句挺難的
- It's the alien abduction thing you want to avoid.
- Yet it is also resonant of the abduction scenes of antiquity.
- And the abductions did not bear other trademarks of FARC operations.
- Most of the deaths came in abductions, the report said.
- Several people called police Tuesday night after hearing about the abduction.
- _Contrive the abduction or capture of a beloved major character.
- Bouckaert said, referring to the abduction of the road workers.
- Just how often the program has stopped an abduction is uncertain.
- Tell your children the real dangers of abduction and sexual assault.
- But investigators are uncertain whether Gilani was involved in the abduction.