absolute permeability造句
- It is the ratio of the effective permeability of that phase to the absolute permeability.
- The absolute permeability number, which has no units, is determined by the rammed cylindrical specimen.
- Ingrain's advances in 3D imaging technology provide oil and gas companies with comprehensive and accurate measurements of reservoir rock properties including porosity, absolute permeability, electrical conductivity, elastic properties and relative permeability.
- In addition to the normal fractured ( fissured ) formation data, CBM simulation requires gas content data values at initial pressure, sorption isotherms, diffusion coefficient, and parameters to estimate the changes in absolute permeability as a function of pore-pressure depletion and gas desorption.
- The proportionality constant of the porous medium ( which were both unconsolidated sand and consolidated sandstone in the laboratory experiments ), using the new refined equation, is called single-phase permeability or absolute permeability, and is now a pure rock property as the fluid viscosity is explicit in the new flow equation.
- It's difficult to find absolute permeability in a sentence. 用absolute permeability造句挺難的
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