acceptable level of risk造句
- We just need to determine the acceptable level of risk.
- "You've got to take an acceptable level of risk ."
- You've got to take an acceptable level of risk ."
- Finite risk transactions are legitimate when they transfer an acceptable level of risk and are accounted for as insurance.
- The EPA's maximum acceptable level of risk for the past two decades for all drinking water contaminants has been one death in 10, 000.
- British forces will remain in Bosnia for as long as UNPROFOR can continue to carry out its mandate at an acceptable level of risk,
- The attacks have eroded air defenses to the point that allied pilots can fly virtually anywhere with an acceptable level of risk, Wilson said.
- Its help files explain how to use the program; they do not explain how to set an asset allocation or determine an acceptable level of risk.
- Rifkind said British forces " will remain in Bosnia for as long as UNPROFOR can continue to carry out its mandate at an acceptable level of risk ."
- There is no military option ( in North Korea ) that has an acceptable level of risk, " given how difficult it would be to target its weapons programs.
- It's difficult to see acceptable level of risk in a sentence. 用acceptable level of risk造句挺難的
- Officials indicated they may allow foreigners to continue working on some current projects if they determine there is " an acceptable level of risk, " according to an internal memo.
- In 2003, former TSA head James Loy determined that two lighters and four books of matches were " an acceptable level of risk " to balance security and customer service.
- It is a function of economics; it is a function of how long it takes to complete inspections; and it is a function of what is an acceptable level of risk,
- But British Foreign Secretary Malcom Rifkind said Wednesday that the 3, 500 British troops would remain as long as the United Nations can function " at an acceptable level of risk ."
- More than 200, 000 vessels passed through the harbor last year, making the accident rate " an acceptable level of risk " similar to that of Rotterdam or New York, he said.
- The United States airspace system's classification scheme is to provide maximum pilot flexibility with acceptable levels of risk appropriate to the type of operation and traffic density within that class of airspace in particular to provide separation and active control in areas of dense or high-speed flight operations.
- Automated information systems security includes consideration of all computer hardware and software functions, characteristics and features; operational procedures; accountability procedures; and access controls at the central computer facility, remote computer, and communications controls needed to provide an acceptable level of risk for the automated information system and for the data and information contained in the system.
- "After careful evaluation, the chiefs of staff have advised me that U . K . forces are able to undertake the proposed operation, that there is a compelling military operational justification for doing so, and that it entails a militarily acceptable level of risk for U . K . forces, " Hoon told the House of Commons.
- But over the last year and especially the last six months, government leaders have been speaking of a " mandate " instead of a " mission " and defining it narrowly : to aid the delivery of relief supplies and save civilian lives as long as there is " an acceptable level of risk " to the soldiers.
- Indeed, if the old thalidomide story was a black-and-white morality play with heroes, villains, and victims, the'90s revival is more like experimental theater, in technicolor : It's heavily nuanced in the ethos of " acceptable levels of risk, " and has a contemporary cast of AIDS activists, eager biotech companies, product-liability lawyers, consensus-seeking government regulators, and empowered interest groups, including women's health watchdogs and even some thalidomide victims.
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