- I ' m not even sure it was the acheron we sighted
我不能肯定我們看見的就是地獄神號 - Over voice trumpet english whaler syren , this is acheron
英國捕鯨船塞倫號,這是地獄神號 - Over voice trumpet ) english whaler syren , this is acheron
英國捕鯨船塞倫號,這是地獄神號 - ( over voice trumpet ) english whaler syren , this is acheron
英國捕鯨船塞倫號,這是地獄神號 - There ' ll be 30 or more whalers locked in the acheron ' s hold
地獄神號上面會有大約30多個捕鯨人 - You , however , shall take the acheron south to valparaiso
總之,你將帶領地獄神號往南至萬帕拉索 - The acheron will be halfway to china
“地獄神”號將會駛往中國 - That ' s where the acheron will be . sure as there ' s carts to horses
“地獄神”號一定會去那兒,我肯定 - We ' ll intercept the acheron and escort them into valparaiso
我們要攔截地獄神號并護送他們到萬帕拉索 - Excuse me . that ' s what the men call it . it ' s the acheron , sir
抱歉,伙計們這樣叫他, “地獄神”號,長官 - It's difficult to see acheron in a sentence. 用acheron造句挺難的
- And the acheron . . . for me
“地獄神”號,歸我 - And the acheron . for me
“地獄神”號,歸我 - But to refit we need a port , and the acheron may be still iooking for us
但我們得找個港口來整修“地獄神”號也許還在搜尋我們 - The acheron is a tough nut to crack . more than twice our guns and numbers
地獄神號不是那么好對付的,火力和人員都是我們的兩倍 - During the napoleonic wars , a british frigate , hms surprise , and a much larger french warship , the acheron , with greater fire power , stalk each other
一夫之勇,挑起風云戰意,驚濤大海,是他揚名的戰場!百年一遇的海戰,見證震撼人心的豪情! - During the napoleonic wars , a british frigate , hms surprise , and a much larger french warship , the acheron , with greater fire power , stalk each other off of the coast of south america
英語泰語發音,中文繁體英文韓文泰文印尼文他加祿語字幕一夫之勇,挑起風云戰意,驚濤大海,是他揚名的戰場! - First of all , based on the principles of financial contract theory as well as the research works of two economists : george acheron and paul rome , the author developed a model - the model of maximizing cash flow - to analyze the behaviors of guarantee institutions