- The stream water was achingly cold .
溪水冷徹骨髓。 - Meanwhile, an fet transistor is achingly slow, but consumes no power at all in a steady state
相反,fet的速度較慢,但是在恒態下根本不消耗能源。 - It's a surreal and achingly beautiful coming-of-age tale about a young czechoslovakian girl
這是一個捷克斯洛伐克小女孩的超現實而又非常美麗的成長故事。 - For certain, red-hot vicki zhao is rendered with glorious sun-dappled nostalgia, while the achingly romantic soundtrack will waft your heart away
累累的民族傷口還在淌血,一代兩代的時間還不夠去愈合。愛情的宿命比莎劇更甚。 - Ultimately though, the time warp returns back to the 1960s an era that continues to haunt wong s own achingly romantic reverie
梁朝偉玩世不恭的演出幅度更勝前作,章子怡奔放的身體語言收放自如,癡和怨的演繹為王家衛電影一新耳目。 - After nearly five hours of endlessly climbing to over 10, 000 feet, we reached a level plateau that was both achingly beautiful and distinctly different
經過近五個小時的顛簸,我們來到一處海拔約10,000英尺的高原平地,這里的景色非常美且非常獨特。 - It's difficult to find achingly in a sentence. 用achingly造句挺難的