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"adiyaman"是什麼意思  adiyamanの例文  


  • Adiyaman province lies some 900 kilometers ( 560 miles ) southeast of the capital Ankara.
  • However, director Adiyaman, who was an assistant director and scriptwriter, made the hit film Thotta Sinungi.
  • Fighting was also reported in southeastern Mardin, Bitlis, and Adiyaman provinces as well as in southwestern Denizli.
  • In southern Adiyaman city, police detained some 50 demonstrators for staging an unauthorized May Day march, the agency added.
  • "Who are they to set conditions or ask for rights ? " asked Naci Adiyaman, a coffee shop owner.
  • Yet on the hilltop where Mrs . Adiyaman lived, perhaps a mile away, three out of five identical apartment buildings had been flattened.
  • While in Karuvur, the Chola king learnt that a vassal prince named Adigan ( Adiyaman ) was due to pay tributes to the king.
  • The Assyrians in Turkey live primarily in Istanbul, the Tur Abdin region, or Diyarbakir with some smaller communities located in cities like Adiyaman and Elazig.
  • Adiyaman Province and County in the state of the next historical period is as follows; Adiyaman, 1849, brought into the flag has been linked to Diyarbakir.
  • Adiyaman Province and County in the state of the next historical period is as follows; Adiyaman, 1849, brought into the flag has been linked to Diyarbakir.
  • It's difficult to see adiyaman in a sentence. 用adiyaman造句挺難的
  • Malatya-connected to the village to the Republican era, the County entered P黷黵ge Gerger December 1, 1954 in the province of Adiyaman has been linked to.
  • After having worked as a lawyer in Ankara Bar for a while, Respectively Adiyaman and U _ ak Judiciary and Supreme Court of Auditors were in charge of the duty.
  • Semiha Adiyaman, a plump and vigorous grandmother in her sixties, lived in an apartment, one of five five-story buildings perched together on a hilltop just outside of Izmit.
  • A plant commonly found in cultivation outside its range is the cultivar'Adiyaman', which is taller and more free-flowering than populations of the species inside its native range.
  • The temblor with a preliminary magnitude of 3.8 struck the Adiyaman province at 1 : 55 a . m . ( 1155GMT ) on Tuesday, the Istanbul-based Kandilli Observatory said.
  • The temblor with a preliminary magnitude of 3.8 struck the Adiyaman province at 1 : 55 a . m . Tuesday ( 2355 GMT Monday ), the Istanbul-based Kandilli Observatory said.
  • The observatory said the quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 4.3, struck the province of Colaklar of Adiyaman province at 23 : 55 p . m . ( 2055 GMT ) on Wednesday.
  • ""'Hirudo sulukii " "'is a species of leech that has been found from Kara Lake of Adiyaman, S黮黭l?Lake of Gaziantep and Segirkan wetland of Batman in Turkey.
  • Sar1cakaya and Halfeti District Offices, Branch Directorate in the Ministry of Interior Education Department, General Directorate of Civil Defense General Directorate, Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Local Administrations Department, Deputy General Directorate and General Directorate, Isparta, Adiyaman Governorship.
  • Kurdistan boasts many examples from ancient Iranic, Roman, Greek and Semitic origin, most famous of these include Bisotun and Taq-e Bostan in Kermanshah, Takht-e Soleyman near Takab, Mount Nemrud near Adiyaman and the citadels of Erbil and Diyarbakir.
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