adjust compass造句
- The ship may omit calling at any port or ports whether scheduled or not , and may call at the same port more than once ; may for matters occurring before loading the goods , known or unknown at the time of such loading and matters occurring after such loading , either with or without the goods or passengers on board , and before or after proceeding toward the port of discharge , adjust compasses , dry dock , with or without cargo aboard go on ways or to repair yards , shift berths , make trial trips or tests , take fuel or stores , remain in port , sail with or without pilots , tow and be towed , and save or attempt to save life or property ; and all of the foregoing are included in the contract voyage
船舶可不停靠任何港口,不論其是否列在航程表上,且可多次停靠同一港口;可因裝貨前所發生的事務,不論裝貨時是否知情,和因裝貨后發生的事務,不論貨物或旅客是否在船上,在抵達卸貨港前后,調整航向,駛入船塢,不論是否載有貨物啟程或駛向修理工廠,移泊,進行試航或試驗,裝載燃料或儲存品,停滯在港,是否引水,牽引或被牽引,救助或試圖救助生命或財產;上述所有事項均包含在航程合同之中。 - It's difficult to find adjust compass in a sentence. 用adjust compass造句挺難的
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