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"advertorial"是什麼意思  advertorialの例文  


  • As you may remember , this was fully discussed in a washington post advertorial on sept . 20 , 2005
  • Rates or special bookings such as leaflet insertion , advertorial is available by quotation . any confirmed bookings are not allowed to cancel
  • The campaign will include pamphlets , posters , newspaper inserts and advertorials , an educational booklet , radio and television broadcasts and so on
  • The club will promote the competition widely , with newspaper ads , advertorials , posters , leaflets and related companies like smartone - vodafone and wilson parking
  • Build and maintain corporative and working relationship with press , magazines , tv and internet media ; in charge of media release , advertorial and feature programming and publicity task
  • Produce high quality collaterals in a timely manner . proficiency in day - to - day writing including monthly reports , press releases , program and presentation documents , advertorial and features , case studies and business correspondence
  • It's difficult to find advertorial in a sentence. 用advertorial造句挺難的
如何advertorial造句用advertorial造句advertorial in a sentence和advertorial的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。