- He had been called in as a financial adviser .
他被聘做財政顧問。 - She has virtually become our adviser .
她無形中成了我們的顧問。 - We engage you as a legal adviser .
我們聘請你當法律顧問。 - The united states advisers finally disclosed the invasion plan .
美國顧問最后透露了入侵計劃。 - For months i have been acting as your wife's financial adviser .
我做了好幾個月你夫人的經濟顧問。 - Those advisers who aren't jewish are of british descent .
那幾個顧問除了猶太人,就是有英國血統的。 - I can not afford to confine myself to one set of advisers .
我不能使自己拘限于只聽到一批顧問的意見。 - Our department has engaged a foreign teacher as phonetic adviser .
我們系已經聘請了一位外籍教師作為語音顧問。 - He could not know which of his advisers were competent and which were not .
他無從了解哪個顧問稱職,哪個不稱職。 - Now that he had in effect an alibi, he raged against his advisers .
現在他既然有了一個借口,就對他的顧問大發了一通雷霆。 - It's difficult to see adviser in a sentence. 用adviser造句挺難的
- He is a kind of unofficial adviser , but i am not sure exactly what he does .
他像個非官方的顧問,但說不好他究竟是干什么的。 - Some of the president's advisers feared hitler might declare war on the united states .
總統的幾位顧問擔心希特勒會向美國宣戰。 - The supreme moment of decision had now come for the president and his advisers .
現在,總統和他的顧問們作出最后決定的時候到了。 - If he could act as adviser to this man-be his sole counsel for four years !
倘使他能夠做這個人的顧問--做四年唯一的顧問該多好呀! - In november 1975 president ford took away my job as national security adviser .
1975年11月,福特總統撤消了我作為國家安全顧問的職務。 - He certainly shook my military advisers with all the detailed argument he produced .
他的確用詳盡的議論使我的軍事顧問們的觀點發生動搖。 - The national security adviser has always had to make do with humble and compact quarters .
國家安全顧問不得不總是在簡陋而擁擠的地方湊合著辦公。 - Left alone and separated from all earthy counsel, she had resource to a friend and adviser .
她孑然一人,在世間找不到人商量,她就求助于一個朋友和導師。 - The expulsion of the soviet advisers from egypt in 1972 suddenly took on a new significance .
一九七二年把蘇聯顧問驅逐出埃及一事突然之間具有了新的意義。 - My paternal adviser of the past few months, fried-rich luschen, had arrived at the chancellery。