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"aerobraking"是什麼意思  aerobrakingの例文  


  • An atmosphere can be used to slow a spacecraft by aerobraking.
  • This was the first aerobraking maneuver by a deep space probe.
  • Another technique to reduce Earth-brought propellant requirements is aerobraking.
  • The probe began the process called aerobraking on Friday to tighten its orbit.
  • On the other hand, the atmosphere can be used to accomplish aerobraking.
  • :: : This is why Wnt measured aerobraking.
  • Aerobraking is a weight-saving and cost-saving substitute for braking rockets.
  • After five more months of aerobraking each orbit should take less than two hours.
  • Then various slingshot and aerobraking manouvers would get you where you needed to be.
  • Two more aerobraking steps are planned later this week, with many more to follow.
  • It's difficult to see aerobraking in a sentence. 用aerobraking造句挺難的
  • This technique, known as aerobraking, was first demonstrated by Mars Pathfinder in 1997.
  • Using aerobraking means that Mars Odyssey did not need to be fitted with special retrorockets.
  • Using aerobraking instead heavy loads of propellant allowed the probe to be cheaper and smaller.
  • In 2014, Altius began work on a magnetoshell aerocapture and aerobraking technology for cubesats.
  • Aurora ( novel ) has a fictional example ( which also includes some hardcore aerobraking.
  • Within three days, the spacecraft will gradually alter its orbit through a process called aerobraking.
  • Once the aerobraking is over, the satellite's instruments and cameras will swing into gear.
  • The MGS used the data gathered from the Magellan mission to Venus to plan its aerobraking technique.
  • Aerobraking is another aeroassist maneuver that shares some similarities but also some key marked differences with Aerocapture.
  • Aerobraking was tested by the Magellan spacecraft in 1993 at the end of its radar mapping of Venus.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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